Al Buraymi North East Mosque In Oman: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is: Al Buraymi North East Mosque in Oman is located in the Wilayat of Al Buraymi, a rugged region located in northwest Oman. The mosque dates back to the 13th century (the oldest evidence of the stones used to construct the mosque dates back to this time). It was built by the founder of the Qarmatian sect of Isam, Imam al-Hadi Ali ibn al-Hussein Montazeri, who was known for establishing the practice of Shiism in the region. The mosque was renovated in 1914, and the prayer hall was extended to accommodate additional worshippers. The main prayer hall features two main minarets and a large central domed hall. The original design of the mosque has largely been kept intact, with the minarets and prayer hall still distinctively mentioned. The nearby cemetery and tombs of Imams and Sayyids hold a special status. The Al Buraymi North East Mosque is a stunning example of Islamic architecture from the 13th century, and it serves as an important reminder of the Qarmatian sect of Islam and its influence in the region. Visiting the mosque is a unique experience for anyone interested in exploring the history of Islam in Oman. It is one of the most famous mosque in Oman which you must visit.


The Al Buraymi North East Mosque is an iconic example of Islamic architecture, located in the city of Buraymi in Oman. The mosque is said to have been built in the late 19th century and is one of the most distinct mosques in the region. The mosque is constructed with a single prayer hall which is covered with a saq, or a dome, which is constructed using Makkah brick and traditional plaster as its base. The saq is adorned with a kalisa, which is the mosque’s central feature. The kalisa is an ornate parapet-like structure with four ribbed pillars and two vernacular window details on the south and east facades. It is open to the outside and the kalisa is the focal point for viewers at a distance. The mosque also features minarets on the north and south corners to symbolize the two entrances. The walls of the mosque are built with stone and mud brick while the walls of the saq feature decorated plasterwork. The interior of the mosque is decorated with vibrant murals of patterns and floral motifs. This type of decorative painting is unique to the area and is a feature of most of the mosques from this period. The floors of the mosque are decorated with wooden floors which are crafted in a traditional style. The layout of the mosque is also very distinct, as it is built around an internal courtyard with four arcades on its four sides. The courtyards is surrounded by four domes, one on each side, which provides natural light to the mosque’s interior. Overall, the Al Buraymi North East Mosque is an important example of traditional Islamic architecture, and its open kalisa, vibrant interior, and unique layout makes it a remarkable and iconic monument in the region. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours for Al Buraymi North East Mosque in Oman are from 9 AM to 12 PM and from 4 PM to 10 PM, Saturday through Thursday. Friday the Mosque is open from 10 AM to 12 PM and from 4 PM to 10 PM. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Al Buraymi North East Mosque is located in the Al Buraymi governorate of Oman. The closest airport is Muscat International Airport, located approximately 134 km away. The closest railway station is the Al Misfat Railway Station, located approximately 105 km away. The closest bus station is the Mut'ah Bus Station, located approximately 27 km away. beautiful masjid.

Explore Oman most popular tourist destination with us. Al Buraymi North East Mosque In Oman: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Oman main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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