Al Jasra House, Jasra In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Al Jasra House, also known as Al Jasra Palace, is a historic house and landmark located in the village of Jasra, Bahrain. The house was built in 1760 by the late Khalifa bin Ali, a Bahraini nobleman. It has been declared a Bahraini National Monument and is a significant symbol of community and cultural heritage in the country. The house features traditional Bahraini architecture, including a central courtyard, a main gate and several rooms surrounding the courtyard. The interior rooms feature decorative art and furnishings in richly-colored fabrics. Over the years the house has been used for a variety of purposes, including as a museum and cultural center. Al Jasra House is open to the public and is a popular tourist destination in Bahrain. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bahrain
Prominent Features:

Al Jasra House is a historical landmark in Bahrain, situated in the small village of Jasra. Built in the 18th century, it is a traditional Arab house that has been restored and opened as a museum in 2010. It is one of the most important cultural sites in the country and a key tourist attraction. The house features several architectural elements that are representative of traditional Bahraini architecture. One notable feature is the mashrabiya, an intricate wooden screen found on the façade. This ornate screen is used to provide shade and privacy from the outside. The large door entrance adorned with intricate geometric designs is also typical of Bahraini architecture. Inside, the house contains a main courtyard surrounded by apartments and shops, as well as a Shia mosque. Al Jasra House also features several rooms and chambers, some of which are open to the public for viewing. This includes the Al Manaarah room, which is decorated with intricate gypsum mouldings depicting stories from the Quran. There is also a women's lounge with shrines dedicated to revered local figures such as Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Latif Al Jalali. In addition, Al Jasra House is known for its beautiful gardens, which feature lush vegetation and a variety of fruit trees. Visitors can also take a walk around the village and explore the nearby beach. There are several shops and restaurants in the vicinity that offer traditional Bahraini cuisine. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bahrain.


Al Jasra House is a historical building located in the village of Jasra in Bahrain. It was constructed in 1813 by Al Khalifa family, the ruling family of Bahrain, and has been serving as the seat of power for the family for almost two centuries. Al Jasra House is one of the few remaining heritage buildings in Bahrain. It consists of a grand two-story structure, which was built from coral stone and protected by large walls and a gate. The building has a large center courtyard and several rooms, including a majlis (guest room). Its walls are adorned with colorful decorations, and its walls are covered with traditional Arabic calligraphy. It is home to a number of significant portions of Bahraini history, including hand-written documents from the eighteenth century and other relics that can be found in the center courtyard. Today, the house is now used as a guest house and a museum. Visitors are able to explore various rooms, including the majlis, its antique furnishings, and various old artifacts. It is also possible to purchase souvenirs from the Jasra Souvenir Shop, located just next to the house. Al Jasra House is a significant part of Bahraini history and culture, and is a reminder of the significant contributions to the country made by the Al Khalifa family. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bahrain with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Al Jasra House is located in the village of Jasra, Bahrain, and was built in the late 18th century. 2. The house is set on a raised platform, creating an upper and a lower layer, with the lower layer having four rooms. 3. Al Jasra is the last remaining traditional house in the village of Jasra, with the other houses having been torn down with the construction of modern buildings. 4. Al Jasra is currently used to host art exhibits and events, and it is listed as a Bahraini national monument. 5. The traditional décor of the house includes intricate wall carvings, colorful stained-glass windows, and a unique plasterwork technique called 'habbaz', which is a type of stucco that incorporates small pieces of ceramic, stone, and shells. 6. Al Jasra House was featured in the international television series '100th Kingdom', which used it as one of the palaces in the show. One of the historical monuments of Bahrain, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Bahrain most popular tourist destination with us. Al Jasra House, Jasra In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Bahrain main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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