A'ali Burial Mounds, A'ali In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Located in Bahrain, the A’ali Burial Mounds are monuments of historical significance, being the country’s largest and most important grave complex. The site covers an area of nearly forty hectares, containing more than five thousand meters of burial mounds and is estimated to date back to the Dilmun era (2000-1700 BC). The mounds are made of soil, silt and stones, and the superstructure is surrounded by a semicircular wall in its interior. This ancient burial site was nominated for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008. The A’ali cemetery is an invaluable archaeological resource, offering glimpses into the past of Bahrain and providing valuable insights into the burial practices of the ancient Dilmun civilization. The site provides evidence of the country’s prehistoric and early history as well as its cultural and spiritual connections with the nearby Gulf civilizations. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bahrain
Prominent Features:

, Bahri A’ali is a village in northern Bahrain, located 10 kilometers south of Manama. It is known for the A’ali Burial Mounds, one of the largest ancient necropolis in the Middle East. The site contains tombs and burial mounds dating back to the Dilmun civilization (2300-1700 BCE) and is home to the largest pre-Islamic cemetery known. The tombs and mounds were made from mudbrick and often contained pottery and jewelry buried with the deceased. Area excavations have found a variety of artifacts, tools, weapons, jewelry, and pottery from various civilizations, including Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, and India. The A’ali Burial Mounds are a significant archaeological site in Bahrain and are a protected area. In addition to the tombs, the area contains numerous historic sites, including ruins, mosques, palaces, and fortresses. It also features several ancient villages, including the remains of Umm an-Nisā’, believed to date back to 5000 BCE. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bahrain.


The A'ali Burial Mounds are one of the oldest archaeological sites in Bahrain, estimated to be around 3000 BCE. The mounds were used as tombs for Bahrain's Bronze Age population, and are part of the larger A'ali culture that existed in Bahrain. It is thought that the mounds were used as tombs for important members of the A'ali culture, as many of the mounds contain large amounts of valuable objects such as jewelry, pottery, and weapons. The A'ali culture was likely related to the Dilmun civilization, which existed in the region for centuries. This civilization was known for its advances in metallurgy, pottery, irrigation, and other aspects of life. The burial mounds were discovered in 1937 by Major Willaim Francis Prideaux, a British archaeologist. The mounds contain a variety of burial types, including single rooftop tombs, double roof tombs, and normal soil burials. The burial mounds are located in a large field in the center of A'ali village in Bahrain. The mounds are easily accessible to the public and are a popular tourist attraction within the country. The mounds provide a unique insight into the A'ali culture, and are a reminder of Bahrain's rich history. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bahrain with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. A’ali Burial Mounds is one of the largest burial grounds in Bahrain and one of the largest in the Middle East. 2. It contains over 200 ancient tombs, which date back to around 3300 BCE. 3. The burial mounds have been investigated by several archaeologists and have been identified as being the earliest-known collective burial grounds in the Arabian Peninsula. 4. A’ali Burial Mounds is an archaeological site that is now listed under the UNESCO World Heritage register. 5. The site contains some of the earliest examples of Islamic ceramicware that dates back to the 7th century. 6. A’ali is located close to the current capital city of Manama and is a reminder of the early settlers of Bahrain. 7. The burial mounds are believed to be the remains of ancient villages, and some of the tombs contain items such as tools, pottery, and jewelry. One of the historical monuments of Bahrain, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Bahrain most popular tourist destination with us. A'ali Burial Mounds, A'ali In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Bahrain main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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