Khinalug Village, Guba In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Khinalug is an ancient village located in Guba region of Azerbaijan. This village is known as the oldest inhabited place in the country and is home to the Khinalug ethnic group, who are believed to be Ismaili Shia Muslims. Located on the high slopes of the Greater Caucasus Mountains and surrounded by dense forests, this typical mountain village is cut off from the rest of Azerbaijan by several kilometers. The village is known for its unique history and traditional culture. Its traditional architecture and customs have been well-preserved over the centuries. Traditional houses are constructed from stone, mud-blocks and many of them have typical stone roofs made of local stone. The village is known for its handmade carpets and jewelry. Visitors can also take part in traditional dancing and tasting local food like dolma and lavash. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Azerbaijan
Prominent Features:

1. UNESCO Heritage Site: Khinalug village is the first culture site in Azerbaijan to be recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, recognizing its importance to the country’s cultural heritage. 2. Unique Language: The people of Khinalug speak a distinct language called Khinalu, which is classified as an Azeri-Caspian tongue. It is thought to be the oldest living language in the Caucasus. 3. Caucasian Tower: The most prominent feature of the village is the old tower known as Krasand. It dates back to the 8th century, making it one of the oldest surviving towers in the country. 4. Narrow Streets: There are many narrow streets snaking through the village, lined with traditional stone houses that are centuries old. 5. Views of the Caucasus: Khinalug is located on a steep-walled mountain valley and offers spectacular views of the nearby mountain range, including Mount Sunday and Mount Dikon. 6. Remote Location: Despite being close to the city of Guba, Khinalug still feels remote, and there are few modern amenities. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Azerbaijan.


Khinalug is a village in the Guba District of Azerbaijan. The village is located on a high mountain ridge, 2,000 meters above sea level in the Greater Caucasus mountain range. The landscape of the area is dominated by steep mountains and deep valleys, which are home to a variety of flora and fauna. The exact date of the founding of Khinalug is unknown but local legend suggests that the village was established during ancient times by the Sarmatians who lived in the region during the 2nd century BC. During the Middle Ages, the village was an important trading post on the Silk Road. Over the centuries, the village was ruled by various empires, including the Shirvanshahs, Safavids, and Russian Empire. Throughout its history, Khinalug has been home to the Khinalug people, an ethnic group distinct from their Azerbaijani neighbours. With its long isolation, the village has developed its own distinct culture and has become known as the “living museum” of Azerbaijani life. In the 20th century, the village suffered from the effects of the Nagorno-Karabakh War, and in 1992 it was declared a protected area in order to preserve its unique culture. Today, Khinalug is a popular destination for travelers interested in the region’s history and culture. Visit one of the famous monuments of Azerbaijan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Khinalug is an ancient and isolated village in the Caucasus Mountains of northern Azerbaijan. It is about 2,400 meters (7,900 feet) above sea level and is the highest settlement in the Caucasus. 2. Khinalug is the oldest continuously inhabited village in the Caucasus and is believed to be more than 4,000 years old. 3. The village is surrounded by formidable rocky mountains, which have provided protection for its inhabitants over the centuries. 4. Khinalug is largely inhabited by the Khinalug people, an ethnic group related to the Azerbaijani people. 5. The Khinalug language, which is an Azeri dialect, is spoken in the village. 6. Khinalug is famous for its old, flat-roofed stone homes. 7. The village is home to a beautiful mosque, built between 1818 and 1819, and is a popular tourist destination in Azerbaijan. 8. Every August, Khinalug holds an annual festival, the Khinalug Festival of Azerbaijani Culture. One of the historical monuments of Azerbaijan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Azerbaijan most popular tourist destination with us. Khinalug Village, Guba In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Azerbaijan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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