Ahl Al Kahf Mosque (Amman) In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Ahl Al Kahf is one of the oldest and most historic mosques in all of Jordan. Located in Amman, it dates back to Umayyad times and served as a place of prayer for the growing Muslim community in the city. It is known as a place of learning and for its strong religious influence throughout its long history. The mosque is located on King Faisal Street in Amman and features a single large minaret and a prayer hall. The walls of the mosque are decorated with Qur'anic verses and there is a graveyard to the west of the building. The mosque is also associated with the famous 17th century scholar ibn-Ibrahim Al-Kantawee. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. Large size - The Ahl Al Kahf Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Amman, Jordan. Composed of two levels, the mosque is able to accommodate up to 7,500 worshippers. 2. Visible from afar - The Ahl Al Kahf Mosque stands tall with its signature green dome amidst a staggering backdrop of rolling hills. This makes it visible from any point of the city. 3. Historical Construction - The grand Mosque was built in 1972 and serves as the spiritual center for Amman. 4. Features - As well as the two-level structure and green dome, the Mosque also features elaborate Islamic decoration, a grand minaret, and a large courtyard. 5. Cultural Significance - The Ahl Al Kahf Mosque is a prominent symbol of religious and cultural identity in Amman. As such, it has become a source of religious inspiration and pilgrimage for locals and tourists alike. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Ahl al-Kahf Mosque (Arabic: مسجد أهل الكهف‎ ), also known as the Cave of the Seven Sleepers Mosque is located in Amman, Jordan and is one of the oldest mosques in the city. It was first built by the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in the 8th century C.E. The Mosque was the main stop point on the legendary Hajj pilgrimage route from Damascus. The mosque is named after the seven companions who, according to Muslim tradition, journeyed to a cave in southern Jordan to escape persecution. The companions are said to have awoken from their 300 year long sleep to find that they had slept through the ages, and the mosque serves as a reminder to the power of faith and endurance. The mosque experienced a number of renovations over the centuries, including two major reconstruction campaigns in the 20th century. In the 1945, the Jordanian government embarked on a major construction project to restore and improve the Mosque, resulting in its current architectural style. The renovation was inspired by the Mamluk architectural style, and the mosque’s dome is built from red Jordanian sandstone. Ahl al-Kahf Mosque remains an iconic symbol of Jordanian culture and architecture, and is one of the most popular landmarks in Amman. It is highly regarded as a site of pilgrimage for Muslims, and it is also visited by tourists who are interested in the Mosque’s history and architecture. Today, the Mosque is open to the public all-year-round and is managed as part of the Islamic Endowments Department (Awqaf). The Mosque regularly hosts religious gatherings and events, and it is popular for its Friday sermons. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Built in 1959, the Ahl Al Kahf Mosque is the first purpose-built mosque in Amman, Jordan. 2. At the time of its completion, it stood at the highest point of Amman and was visible from the entire city. 3. The mosque was designed by architect Akram al-Abdallah, and its spiraling minaret was designed to be the tallest structure in the city when built. 4. The mosque is covered in intricate blue and gray patterned tiles with inscriptions of verses from the Qur'an. 5. The mosque is well-known for its welcoming atmosphere and it is has become a popular site for cultural activities, drawing hundreds of visitors each week to its open courtyard. 6. A library and classrooms dedicated for the study of Islam, Arabic language, and Islamic culture is located within the mosque. 7. The Ahl Al Kahf Mosque is the official head of the Waqf Al-Kabir organization, and serves as the main mosque for the Jordanian military. 8. The mosque is located in an archaeological site that contains several Byzantine-era churches. 9. The mosque is featured on the Jordanian 10 dinar coin. 10. In addition to daily prayers, the mosque also hosting Ramadan iftar (breaking the fast at sunset) meals for its worshippers. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Ahl Al Kahf Mosque (Amman) In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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