Ajloun Forest Reserve In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: The Ajloun Forest Reserve in Jordan is a popular destination for outdoor recreation. It covers an area of almost 5,000 hectares and was established to protect the biodiversity of the area. It is filled with evergreen trees, such as oak, pine, and cypress, as well as smaller bush trees, such as hawthorn and micaceous oak. The Reserve is also home to a wide variety of wildlife, including wolves, jackals, leopards, hyenas, wildcats, and mongooses. Birdlife present in the reserve includes various species of eagles, buzzards, and falcons. In the past, the area was frequented by nomadic Bedouin tribes and is now a popular area for day trips and hiking. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. Ajloun Forest Reserve is a 7,599-hectare reserve located in the central part of Jordan. 2. It is home to an unusual mixture of Mediterranean, Iranian/Turanian, and Sudanese vegetation. 3. The reserve is characterized by oak, pine, and juniper woodlands. 4. It provides nesting sites for a variety of migratory birds, including hoopoe, shrike, and bee-eater. 5. There are three major peaks within the reserve, including Za’atra Peak (1,256 m above sea level), Sheikh Sa'ad (1,212 m above sea level), and Abu Sharshouh (1,127 m above sea level). 6. The surrounding hillsides and valleys are dotted with ancient ruins, which provide an interesting backdrop to the reserve. 7. Hikers enjoy the well-marked trails in the reserve, as well as the abundance of wildlife. 8. The reserve also serves as a popular destination for birdwatchers. 9. Ajloun Forest Reserve is part of the UNESCO-designated Ajloun Biosphere Reserve. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Ajloun Forest Reserve was established in 1988 and declared a protected area by Royal Decree No. 5. It is located in the Ajloun Governorate in northern Jordan, approximately 80 kilometers northwest of Amman. The Reserve is situated between two major cities, Ajloun to the north and Irbid to the south. This 400-hectare reserve includes a range of semi-deciduous woodland, evergreen shrublands and grasslands. The reserve is home to several species of wild animals including red foxes, porcupines, Syrian wolves, and hyenas. The Ajloun Forest Reserve is recognized for its important flora and fauna. It is considered significant for its trees, especially those of the oak (Quercus sp.) family, as well as other vegetation. It is also a sanctuary for small mammals, such as wild boars, porcupines, hares, and caracal cats, among many other species. Furthermore, over 200 species of birds inhabit the Reserve, with an extensive population of the Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus). The Reserve is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, with the Ajloun Forestry Corporation as the main coordinator of activities. A variety of local, regional, and international organizations also support management efforts. These organizations provide financial and technical support, conduct research studies, and provide volunteer services. The future of the Ajloun Forest Reserve revolves around environmental protection, responsible natural resource management, and sustainable ecological development. Activities are guided by a long-term management plan focused on preserving the natural beauty and unique biological diversity of the area, as well as enabling local communities to benefit from the natural resources the Reserve has to offer. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Ajloun Forest Reserve is located in northern Jordan, halfway between Amman and Irbid. 2. It was declared part of Jordan’s protected areas network in 1988 as a way of preserving its beautiful pine, oak and wild olive trees. 3. The area of the reserve is approximately 7,000 hectares and includes the forest of Ajloun, a wooded area east of Ajloun city known as Jabal Akhdar forest. 4. The Ajloun forest is rich in wildlife including endemic species such as the striped hyena, jackal, fox, lizards, and over 150 species of birds. 5. The highest peak in the reserve is at 1,795 meters, and named ‘Jabal Ajlun. 6. The Reserve is important to the local Bedouin culture, and the visage of oak and cedar trees in the forest is connected to the importance of cedar tree timber for its construction of wagons, house furniture, and other items. 7. Ajloun Forest Reserve also offers nature trails and campsites for visitors as well as restaurant huts. 8. The Reserve is home to several archeological sites, including the ‘Ajloun Castle’, a 12th century fortress built by the Ayyubid dynasty, as well as other ancient sites tracing back to the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine eras. 9. Ajloun Forest Reserve acts as a protected water catchment area, preventing soil erosion and preserving the flow of gutter-fed springs. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Ajloun Forest Reserve In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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