The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts (Amman) In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts (Amman) In Jordan is a major art museum and cultural center located in Amman, Jordan. The museum was founded in 1975 and houses over 15,000 pieces of art, including works by local and international artists. The gallery also includes a library, a lecture hall, and an auditorium as well as educational activities, such as temporary and traveling exhibitions, workshops and lectures. It is considered one of the major cultural centers in Jordan as well as the Arab world. Notable collections featured at The Gallery include Assyrian, Babylonian, Islamic and contemporary works of art from various cultures. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. Permanent and rotating exhibition galleries: The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts provides a variety of permanent and rotating exhibitions that display both local and international artworks. The galleries feature both ancient and contemporary artworks, providing visitors with an opportunity to explore a wide range of topics and styles. 2. Virtual tours: The gallery offers visitors a unique experience with interactive virtual tours that allows them to explore artwork from the comfort of their own home. 3. Educational programs: The gallery offers educational programming such as lectures, workshops, guided tours, and even interactive experiences for children. These programs allow visitors to deepen their understanding of the artwork and art history of the region. 4. Special events: The gallery also hosts a variety of events throughout the year. These events include concerts, film screenings, conferences, and other special events designed to engage the local community. 5. Gift shop: Located on the top floor of the gallery, the gift shop offers an array of unique and interesting items. Including, but not limited to, small curiosities collected from local workshops and craftsmen, books about art and artists of the region, and original works of art for purchase. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts was founded in 2004 in Amman to showcase Jordan's cultural heritage and national identity. The gallery first opened its doors in 2005 and since then has held various exhibitions featuring works from artists from all over the world, including the works of well-known local artists such as Marwan Shahbandar, Wael Al-Hafeez, and Ayman Baalbaki. The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts has hosted a number of important events such as the Jordan Cultural Biennale, which is a showcase of contemporary art from both regional and international artists, as well as the International Festival of Visual Arts, which showcases works from the world's leading artists. The gallery has also had various symposiums featuring lectures from artists and art historians. The gallery also serves as a representative for Jordanian contemporary art and provides an important platform for the work of emerging artists in the country. The gallery is run and managed by a team of art professionals who are dedicated to promoting Jordanian art and culture, and introducing it to the world. In recent years, the gallery has become a major part of the art scene in Jordan, exhibited works from various international artists such as the renowned British sculptor Anish Kapoor, Chinese multimedia artist Chen Chieh-Jen, and French-American conceptual artist, Robert Rauschenberg. As such, the gallery is considered to be one of the most important art institutions in the Middle East. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts is the oldest art museum in Jordan, and is located in the Ras Al Ein neighborhood of Amman. 2. The museum was opened in 1976 and showcases the best of Jordanian and international art. 3. The Gallery hosts a variety of exhibitions, lectures, workshops and activities throughout the year, such as the national ‘Salon D’Amman’ art exhibition, which is held every two years. 4. The National Gallery has a permanent collection of over 2,000 artworks, featuring a variety of styles and forms, including paintings, sculptures, photos, installations, and applied arts. 5. The gallery’s collections include works by Jordanian and Arab artists such as Jawad Al Kafreiny, Sharif Fakhouri, Osama Masri, Said Muhi, Ali Rajab, Jama’a Al-Shayya, and others. 6. The gallery also houses the Mohammed S Tireeh Collection, featuring works by artists such as Theodoor Danker-Grauwel, Hisham Abu Shaban, and Suliman Mourad. 7. The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts is affiliated with the Royal Cultural Heritage Foundation, as well as other museums and cultural institutions in the country. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts (Amman) In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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