Jameh Mosque of Shahreza In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Jameh Mosque of Shahreza in Iran is one of the oldest historic monuments in the area. It is believed to have been constructed between 1202 and 1271 AD, during the rule of the Seljuks. This mosque is one of the largest congregational mosques of the Seljukid period in Central Iran. Its impressive architecture, made of brick, reflects the style of Islamic architecture during this period. It has a four-iwan plan, which is surrounded by eleven courtyards and has a huge 11-400m prayer hall. The mosque also features an extensive library, and several tombs in its courtyards. It is one of the most famous mosque in Iran which you must visit.


The mosque was built in traditional Persian style during the Safavid dynasty in the 17th century. The building has two minarets, one square and one round, both with 6 balconies. The main entrance has two iwans with marble pillars. The interior of the mosque includes four porches, two of which are located in the east and west and the other two located in the north and south. The dome is decorated with timeless mosaics, depicting various scenes from the life of Prophet Muhammad. The walls also feature intricate tiles, stained-glass windows, and traditional Persian inscriptions. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Jameh Mosque of Shahreza in Iran are between 8am and 12pm and 4pm to 7:30pm. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Jameh Mosque of Shahreza is located in the city of Shahreza in Isfahan Province, Iran. The mosque is one of the oldest and most historic mosques in Iran, with origins dating back to the 16th century. The Jameh Mosque of Shahreza is easily accessible by public transport. The closest airport is the international Imam Khomeini Airport in Tehran, which has direct flights from many cities in the region. The nearest train stations are the Shahreza Railway Station and the Isfahan Railway Station, which both provide access to the city and beyond. Public buses and taxis are also available. The mosque is open to visitors during regular business hours and admission is free. beautiful masjid.

Explore Iran most popular tourist destination with us. Jameh Mosque of Shahreza In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Iran main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Isfahan Iran

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