Jameh Mosque of Bojnourd In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

The Jameh Mosque of Bojnourd is the oldest mosque in Iran and the oldest surviving religious monument in the province of Khorasan. The mosque dates back to the early 9th century when the Iranian ruler of the Saffarid dynasty, Amr ibn Layth (r. 868-879 CE), founded the mosque as his royal palace. Since then, the mosque has been the center of prayer and worship for the people of Bojnourd, Iran. The mosque was built in a unique architectural style, combining the traditional Islamic style with some elements of the Persian architecture. The mosque is composed of a large central courtyard, surrounded by a number of smaller prayer halls. It also features several grandiose entrances, decorated with intricately carved stone reliefs depicting Islamic figures and motifs. Over the centuries, the mosque has undergone several renovations and restoration works, preserving much of its original structure as well as its carvings and decorations. Today, the Jameh Mosque of Bojnourd is a major tourist attraction and an important testament to the religious, cultural, and architectural heritage of Iran. The mosque has been declared a National Heritage Site and is open to visitors from all around the world. It is one of the most famous mosque in Iran which you must visit.


Jameh Mosque of Bojnourd in Iran is a beautiful example of classical Persian architecture. The mosque was built in the late 18th century and is built from fired brick and decorated with stucco, tile and paint. The mosque has a large rectangular courtyard with four small iwans facing the courtyard's opposite sides. The walls of the mosque are adorned with beautiful tolb Turquoise tiles, some of the most beautiful and intricate tile work. At the entrance of the mosque, there is a large gate with two doorways flanked by two minarets. Inside the mosque's prayer hall, the ceiling is decorated with colorful tiles creating geometric shapes, while the walls are adorned with intricate stucco work. The mihrab is decorated with colorful tiles, along with arabesque-style lintels. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Jameh Mosque of Bojnourd (or Bojnurd Jame' Mosque) is a major religious site in the city of Bojnourd in northern Iran. Built in the early sixteenth century, the mosque is an exquisite example of Islamic architecture from the Safavid period. The mosque lies just south of the city’s old city walls, near the Toghi Gate. It is easily reached by road from the main cities of Bojnourd and Fahraj. From the airport in Tehran, it is about a five-hour drive. The mosque is open daily from 8 am to 5 pm and is free to visit. beautiful masjid.

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