Shah Mosque of Tabriz In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is a mosque located in the Grand Bazaar of Tabriz, in the Iranian province of East Azarbaijan. It was built during the Safavid dynasty in the 16th century and is renowned for its unique beauty and distinctive architecture. The mosque is a complex of edifices built around a courtyard and includes various buildings such as portals, a porch, a library, four courtyards, four minarets, and a series of chambers and rooms. Shah Mosque is one of the most impressive structures in Tabriz and is a major tourist attraction. The mosque underwent major restorations in the 19th century and even today has been subject to repair work from time to time to maintain its beauty and charm. It is one of the most famous mosque in Iran which you must visit.


The Shah Mosque of Tabriz is a historic mosque located in the city of Tabriz, Iran. It is the largest and most impressive surviving monument from the Ilkhanid period (1256-1343) of Iranian history. The building was built by the Ilkhanid ruler of the region, Jahan Shah (reg 1339-1374 AD), and the mosque was renovated and restored many times over the centuries. The mosque is built in a four-iwan architectural style, with four gates opening to a large and impressive central courtyard. The mosque is surrounded by four large courtyards laid out in a cross pattern, with each iwan (arched portico) opening onto a different courtyard. The main prayer hall is located in the east iwan and is surmounted by three domes, each representing a different era of architecture from the period in which it was built. The mosque is richly decorated with geometric and floral designs, carved marble, and polychrome tiles. The Blue Mosque (Mosque of Imamzadeh Ja'far) to the northwest of the Shah Mosque was built in the 16th century and is considered a fine example of the Safavid period. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of the Shah Mosque of Tabriz in Iran vary depending on the time of year. Generally, the mosque is open from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, however, in the summer months these hours can be extended to as late as 6:00 PM. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Getting to Shah Mosque in Tabriz, Iran By Plane: The closest airport to Shah Mosque is Tabriz International Airport, located only 6 km away. International flights to Tabriz include flights from Turkey, Dubai, Kuwait, and Russia. By Train: There is no train service directly to Shah Mosque, but it is conveniently located near the train station of Tabriz. By Bus: You can take a bus from the main bus station in Tabriz to get to Shah Mosque. Buses run from Tabriz to all major cities in Iran. By Car: Shah Mosque is conveniently located in the center of Tabriz and is easily accessible by car. beautiful masjid.

Explore Iran most popular tourist destination with us. Shah Mosque of Tabriz In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Iran main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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