Megalithic Cists and Cairns intact with Stone Circles. Settipuniyam In India: History,Facts, & Services

and legends Megalithic Cists and Cairns intact with Stone Circles at Settipuniyam are a cluster of megalithic monuments including cairns, cists, dolmens, and menhirs located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is estimated that these structures were used around 2,000 years ago and are still in excellent condition with some of them even having their original stones. The structures are found adjacent to each other and are thought to represent a village or an entire civilization. The area is surrounded by two large circles of stones which are 29 m and 85 m respectively in diameter. Within these circles there are a total of 29 megalithic monuments including cairns, cists, dolmens, and menhirs. Cairns are burial mounds used to hold funerary urns and offerings. The cists are rectangular burial chambers made out of stones and filled with earth and debris. Dolmens are essentially artificial cave-like structures made of stones and were also used as burial sites. Menhirs are standing stone monuments. The origin of the megalithic monuments at Settipuniyam is unknown. It is believed that it may have been built for the cult of the dead or for religious rituals. It is also possible that it was used as an astronomical observatory to observe stars, planets and other celestial bodies. The presence of the stone circles and the megalithic monuments may also indicate the presence of a prehistoric culture in this region. Interesting facts and legends surrounding the monument include the theory that a giant race of prehistoric people lived in settlement adjacent to the stone circles. Legends say that the giant race left the area and the monuments were left standing as a reminder of their civilization. Another interesting fact about the monuments is that it is thought to have served as a lunar calendar for the people of the time. In addition, it has been claimed that certain ritual ceremonies are also performed at the stone circles and that the entire area is considered to be very spiritual and sacred.

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Megalithic Cists and Cairns intact with Stone Circles. Settipuniyam In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Settipuniyam is a megalithic site located in Tamil Nadu, India. It is home to a number of cists and cairns, as well as a large stone circle.

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Settipuniyam is a megalithic site located in Tamil Nadu, India. It is home to a number of cists and cairns, as well as a large stone circle. India

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