Dargah Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf, Kalyan In India: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is a Dargah located in Kalyan, Maharashtra, India dedicated to the Muslim saint Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf Kalyani. The Dargah is an important pilgrimage centre for people of all religious backgrounds. It was founded by Hazrat Madhu Shahid Ashraf Kalyani, the grandson and successor of Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf Kalyani. Every day hundreds of devotees come to pay their respects and offer their prayers. The Dargah also hosts a number of festivals such as the annual Urs festival during the Islamic month of Rajab. It is one of the most famous mosque in India which you must visit.


The Dargah Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf is a revered 17th-century Dargah located in the Kalyan area of Maharashtra, India. The Dargah is a prominent religious shrine for both Muslims and Hindus within the Kalyan region. It is known as a symbol of unity and communal harmony, with devotees of all faiths visiting the shrine to pay their respects. The architecture of the Dargah reflects the Mughal style of the time, with some distinct Hindu features in the structure. The main entrance to the Dargah is a large marble gate, which leads into a spacious courtyard. Behind the gate is a grand marble tomb topped with a golden dome, which houses the remains of Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf, the saint for whom the Dargah is named. Adjacent to the tomb is a large hall, which is used for prayer and religious services. Splendid marble pillars line the main hall, and vibrant paintings of the saints can be seen on the interior walls. In the main hall, visitors can also find a number of other tombs and shrines to various Sufi saints. These tombs and shrines are adorned with intricate carvings and artwork that showcase the architectural finesse present within the structure. The Dargah also houses an impressive Islamica library, where visitors can find rare manuscripts and books on Islamic history and thought. Apart from the main hall, the Dargah is home to a number of other buildings and facilities, including a small mosque, meditation rooms, and a kitchen. These buildings are constructed in a similar Mughal style as the main entrance, with stunning Islamic calligraphy covering their walls. The Dargah complex also includes several large gardens where visitors can rest and take in the beauty of the surrounding area. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours to visit the Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf Dargah in Kalyan, India are from 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Dargah Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmad Ashraf is located in Kalyan in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The nearest airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, about 25 km away from the shrine. The nearest railway station is Kalyan Railway Station, which is 0.7 km away. Several bus routes are available from areas around the shrine. Auto-rickshaws and taxis are also available for local transport. beautiful masjid.

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Maharashtra India

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