Church of St. Vincent de PaulIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services

Church of St. Vincent de Paul is a Roman Catholic parish located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. Founded in 1872, the parish was originally served by the Redemptorist Fathers, who continue to serve in the parish today. St. Vincent de Paul Parish has a long, proud history of serving the Catholic faith through education, outreach and baptizing generations of families. The Church of St. Vincent de Paul strives to bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ through worship, Christian formation and service. History St. Vincent de Paul Parish was, along with St. Rose of Lima, one of the first two parishes established in Milwaukee’s growing Brewerytown neighborhood. The cornerstone of the new church was laid in September 1872 and dedicated to the Care of St. Vincent de Paul, a seventeenth century French priest whose zeal for the poor and outcast earned him the title of the “Apostle of Charity.” Much like the saint for whom it is named, the Church of St. Vincent de Paul has served the poor, the sick and the marginalized people in its neighborhood for well over a century. Facts • The church's first rector was the Rev. Francis Krepp. • Rev. William Lehmkuhl currently serves as pastor of the parish. • The church contains several oil paintings of St. Vincent de Paul, donated by parishioners. • In 2014, a new school building was donated to the parish by the Dominican Sisters of Peace to replace the aging facility that had been in use since 1916. Services The Church of St. Vincent de Paul provides a variety of religious services and ministries. Mass is celebrated daily, as well as Sunday, and various religious education programs are available. Additionally, the church provides a variety of spiritual direction and counseling services, as well as outreach programs, charity drives, and other services to help meet the needs of the members of its community.

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