Cherry Tree Hill, Saint Andrew In Barbados: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Cherry Tree Hill is one of the most spectacular viewpoints on Barbados' eastern coast. Located 915 feet above sea level, an exquisite panorama of the Scotland District and the eastern coast of Barbados can be seen from the summit. The hill's slopes are blanketed in vegetation, including many flowering trees such as wild cherry, almond, frangipani, and anise. On clear days, the beaches and hotels along the south coast of the island can also be seen. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Barbados
Prominent Features:

- The Cherry Tree Hill is a scenic viewpoint located in the parish of St. Andrew in Barbados. It stands 355 metres above sea level and features breathtaking views of the north and east coast of Barbados. - The site is a popular tourist destination with several car parks and observation points located at different points along the road leading up to the hill. - Visitors to the viewpoint will find a variety of tropical flora including tropical hardwoods, ferns, orchids, and other plants, along with a bird sanctuary. - Nearby attractions include the Bottoms Monument which marks the spot where slaves were brought to Barbados from the West Indies, and the nearby Barbados Wildlife Reserve which contains a wide variety of animals and plants. - The hill is also the site of White Hill Plantation, an eighteen-acre plantation that was established in the 18th century and is now the location of a museum telling the story of the island's history. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Barbados.


Cherry Tree Hill, in Saint Andrew parish of Barbados, is one of the highest points on the island and one of the most scenic areas of Barbados. It is located between Consett Bay and Bathsheba and is the highest point rising up to 246m above sea level. It serves as a prominent landmark and the main attraction for visitors. The area has a long and interesting history. It was a strategic lookout for British soldiers during the 1700s as they watched for approaching ships from the sea. It was here where the Treaty of the Barbados peace treaty was signed by the British and French in 1763, in what was known as The Treaty Ground. During the 19th Century, Cherry Tree Hill was a popular holiday destination and was visited by many wealthy families from around the world. In 1848, it became a prominent agricultural center when the Bonnets family set up a citrus plantation. The plantation is still in the family and it provides a steady income for them today. Cherry Tree Hill has been the home of several stories in Barbados's history, including a story of the chimney lookout built high atop Cherry Hill and the tale of the bluestocking crabs. The latter was said to have been named for the bluestocking society ladies that frequented the area in the 1800s. Today, Cherry Tree Hill is still a popular tourist attraction and a great opportunity to experience some of the island's natural beauty. Hiking trails lead to the summit of the hill, allowing visitors to take in its views and appreciate the beauty of the island's rugged landscape. The area has also been designated as a national park, meaning that the forests and biodiversity are preserved and protected. Visit one of the famous monuments of Barbados with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Cherry Tree Hill is located in the parish of Saint Andrew in Barbados. 2. It is a popular tourist destination and provides spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea and two other parishes. 3. The hill is generally covered with cherry trees of different species. 4. It has been featured in the Barbadian magazines as a must-see location for visitors from around the world. 5. The surrounding area was populated by the Arawaks before the arrival of British settlers in 1625. 6. It is believed that the hill was named because of the abundance of cherry trees on the hill. 7. Its highest peak is at 845 feet, and the area is great for hikes, picnics and sightseeing. 8. Cherry Tree Hill is known for its diverse vegetation and wildlife, including some exotic species of bird and other animals, such as the Green Monkey. 9. There are a range of restaurants and lodgings available in the area for visitors who wish to stay. One of the historical monuments of Barbados, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. Cherry Tree Hill, Saint Andrew In Barbados: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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