Yanar Bulag, Baku In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Yanar Bulag, or "Burning Spring" is a natural gas spring located in Baku, Azerbaijan. The primary source of the spring is natural gas which seeps from the ground and is collected for use as a fuel. The gas is mainly composed of methane and ethane. The natural gas spring has been in use for centuries, and evidence suggests that it was first used by the ancient Greeks. As well as being used as fuel, the gas spring has also become a popular tourist destination in Baku. Visitors can stand within the flames and feel the warmth radiating from the spring. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Azerbaijan
Prominent Features:

The Yanar Bulag Fire Mountain is one of the largest landmarks in Baku, Azerbaijan. The natural gas volcanic crater fed lake is approximately 400 meters long and up to 25 meters deep. It has a natural gas powered flame in the center, making it one of the few "eternal fires" in the world. The flame symbolizes religious sacrificial rites as well as the heat of patriotism, nationhood, and reclaiming land under Azerbaijani jurisdiction. Visitors can also take boat rides in the lake to get close to the flame. In 2009, the lake underwent extensive construction, making it an even more popular tourist destination in Baku. There are now two platforms with steps, allowing visitors to get a better view of the fiery structure. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Azerbaijan.


The Yanar Bulag spring is thought to have been in existence since ancient times in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is mentioned in the Quran in the stories of Prophet Musa or Moses. The spring has also been used for its healing benefits since it was created. It is said that water from the spring can cure diseases and ailments such as leprosy. In the Middle Ages it was known among locals due to its healing capabilities. In the 19th Century, the Russian Empire began using the spring and built a bathhouse associated with it to promote its therapeutic abilities. Later, it was expanded and improved and the large baths and spa facilities remain popular to this day. The Yanar Bulag spring is a noteworthy site and remains a popular destination in Baku. It was further developed in 2018, with the opening of a new café and restaurants for visitors to enjoy while experiencing the healing waters. The area now also features a parterre garden, benches, and greenery which are frequented by visitors year round. Visit one of the famous monuments of Azerbaijan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Yanar Bulag is an ancient natural gas field near Baku, Azerbaijan. 2. It is estimated that the site has been active for over 3,500 years and is said to be the world's oldest continuously burning gas field. 3. The Azerbaijani name “yanar bulag” translates to “flaming spring”. 4. The site is associated with the Zoroastrian religion and believed to be a sacred place. 5. The flames of the natural gas field reach up to 9 meters tall. 6. The site is much more than a natural phenomenon, as it has been an important historical site used by the Persian Empire and the Soviet Union in their industrial efforts. 7. Yanar Bulag is also home to several unique species of plants and animals, thanks to its special environment. One of the historical monuments of Azerbaijan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Azerbaijan most popular tourist destination with us. Yanar Bulag, Baku In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Azerbaijan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Yanar Bulag is located in the town of Kurdemir in Azerbaijan.

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Yanar Bulag is located in the town of Kurdemir in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan

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