Gobustan National Park, Gobustan In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Gobustan National Park in Azerbaijan is both a cultural and natural UNESCO World Heritage Site located some 64 km southwest of Baku. This national park covers an area of about 625 square kilometers, consisting of a reserve of mud volcanos, archeological sites, rocky hills, and ravines. It is home to over 600,000 years of human habitation, with archeological ruins from both Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. The site contains numerous rock engravings, petroglyphs of animals, human figures and other symbolic images. It also contains numerous remains of Stone Age settlers as well as artifacts from the Bronze and Iron Ages, which were explored and studied by archaeologists from Walter Andrae in the 1930s. The site is also known for its numerous nature trails, shrines, and chasms. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Azerbaijan
Prominent Features:

1. Archeological paintings: The site is notable for its rock carvings and drawings, made by hunter-gatherers as long as 20,000 years ago. These petroglyphs depict houses, boats, hunting scenes, ceremonial processions, animals, and more. 2. Historical Sites: Ancient mud volcanoes, petroglyphs, foundations of castles, tombs, and cemeteries can also be found here. 3. Rare Wildlife: Gobustan National Park is home to numerous rare species of fauna including the Persian leopard, golden eagle, Karabakh horse as well as gazelles, boars, wild goats, and wolves. 4. Cultural Sites: Gobustan's landscape is also dotted with archaeological, cultural, and religious sites, including 12 tribes in Gandja area, and Christian hermitages in Mardakan. 5. Cuisine: As an offbeat destination, one of the must-try dishes in Gobustan is Tongov plov which is a unique combination of veal fried together with various rice, nuts, and spices. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Azerbaijan.


Gobustan National Park is located in the southeastern part of Azerbaijan, near the Caspian Sea. Its cultural significance and natural beauty make it a unique and important site in Azerbaijan. The park boasts a variety of archeological and historical sites, including ancient rock art and tombs. The area containing the park was first settled in the Neolithic period, with the earliest inhabitation of Gobustan dating back to the 9th century BC. Remnants of the ancient settlement can be found in the park, including tombs, rock art, and ruined walls from the 4th-2nd centuries BC. The area was designated a national park in 1966, and has been a popular tourist destination since then. It has been described by Unesco as “a unique artistic achievement of prehistoric times.” The park contains more than 6,000 petroglyphs, or rock drawings, dating back to the Stone Age. Gobustan National Park is a unique site of interest for tourists, scientists, and historians alike. It contains a wealth of historic and cultural artifacts that help to tell the story of Azerbaijan’s past. Visit one of the famous monuments of Azerbaijan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Gobustan National Park in Azerbaijan is a site of rich cultural and geological significance, with historic rock engravings, mud volcanoes, and a unique desert landscape. 2. Gobustan is home to one of the world's largest collections of 2000-6000 year-old rock engravings, depicting everyday scenes of hunting, fishing and other aspects of life in the area. 3. The park is the location of over 6,000 mud volcanoes, creating a unique landscape akin to the surface of the moon. 4. In 2007, the area was honoured with a listing by UNESCO as a World Cultural Landscape. 5. Gobustan is known for its abundance of rare flora and fauna, including some of the world's rarest species of animals, such as the endemic Caucasian gazelle, the Caspian seal, turla and flamingo. 6. The climate of the park is incredibly varied, with temperatures ranging from -20°C in winter to 40°C in summer. 7. The mud volcanoes of Gobustan are said to be an unsurpassed natural landmark, and the park itself is often referred to as a natural wonder. One of the historical monuments of Azerbaijan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Azerbaijan most popular tourist destination with us. Gobustan National Park, Gobustan In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Azerbaijan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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