Taza Pir Mosque, Baku In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Built in the late 18th century, the Taza Pir Mosque is an impressive site of architecture situated in the old city of Baku, Azerbaijan. The mosque is dedicated to Sheikh Tahir Haji Davud, a prominent Sufi thinker of the seventeenth century. The building consists of two levels, with an open courtyard accessible from the ground floor. The mosque is simple yet elegant, featuring blue and white marble pillars and detailed wooden engravings. The interior walls are decorated with intricate tile work, and an exquisite rug, known as a mozankara, covers the ground. The large chandelier, suspended in the centre of the mosque, is used for special prayers and blessings. Inside the mosque, visitors may find prayer books and artwork depicting scenes from Sheikh Tahir’s life. Visitors may also explore the nearby cemetery, which contains tombs of various prominent personalities of the Baku region. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Azerbaijan
Prominent Features:

1. Main domed mosque- The Taza Pir Mosque is a 19th century architectural landmark located in the seaside city of Baku, Azerbaijan. This unique building is characterized by its prominent white dome, which rises above nearby buildings and stands out from the surrounding landscape. The dome is surrounded by four minarets, and the mosque also features four courtyards and a grand entrance with a wooden door. 2. Carved stonework- Another noteworthy feature of the Taza Pir Mosque is its fascinatingly intricate carved stonework. The façade of the main mosque is decorated with intricate floral and geometric patterns, while the four gateways leading to the inner courtyards each feature intricately carved stonework. 3. Colorful windows- The building is further adorned with intricate colorful windows, which bring a bright and cheerful look to the structure. The brightly colored glass panes, which are set into the stone lattice pattern, reflect light and make the mosque stand out from its surroundings. 4. Courtyards- The inner courtyards of the Taza Pir Mosque are also noteworthy. Here, visitors are able to take part in traditional Islamic prayers, as well as admire the unique architecture of the building and its beautiful design features. The walls of the courtyards are lined with intricately carved stonework and decorated with colorful tiles, while elegant Islamic symbols can be seen adorning the walls. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Azerbaijan.


The Taza Pir Mosque is located in an old section of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. According to historians, the mosque was built in the early 18th century and is one of the oldest religious sites in the city. It is a popular place of worship and a major landmark of the city. The Taza Pir Mosque is named after the Islamic saint Tazu Pir, who was said to have visited Baku in the 11th century and preached in its mosques. The building's inner sanctum holds the tomb of the saint, making it a pilgrimage site for devotees of this religious leader. The mosque underwent a major renovation during the late 19th century when it was rebuilt as a three-domed structure with a central courtyard and minarets. The building was renovated again in 1993, when modern amenities, including a carpentry shop, a library, and bathrooms, were added. The mosque now stands at two stories tall and is one of the city's most iconic landmarks. It continues to be an important site of worship, with services held every morning and evening. During major Islamic festivals, such as Ramadan and Hajj, the Taza Pir Mosque holds special ceremonies. The courtyard of the mosque is also used as an open-air market, where locals come to buy and sell seasonal produce. Visit one of the famous monuments of Azerbaijan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Taza Pir Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Azerbaijan, having been built in 1749. 2. It was named after a local Sufi saint, Taza Pir, who is buried beneath the mosque complex. 3. The mosque complex is built in the traditional Azeri Islamic style and features an octagonal minaret which can be seen from afar. 4. The interior is also richly decorated with intricate geometric patterns, ceramic tilework and stonework. 5. The mosque has been a vital part of Azerbaijani culture and local Baku life over centuries, and remains a popular place of worship for locals and tourists alike. 6. The mosque complex was accidentally destroyed during WWII but was subsequently restored to its original state in the 1950s. One of the historical monuments of Azerbaijan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Azerbaijan most popular tourist destination with us. Taza Pir Mosque, Baku In Azerbaijan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Azerbaijan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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