Dashkasan Mosque In Azerbaijan: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Dashkasan Mosque in Azerbaijan is an important historical and architectural monument located in the central region of the country. It was built in the 18th century and is one of the oldest mosques in the country.The monument is a part of a complex along with numerous mausoleums. The mosque is decorated with floral and geometric ornaments. The minaret has four distinct levels built of well-polished black stone.The entrance portal of the mosque is decorated with brick designs and small towers.The Dashkasan Mosque In Azerbaijan was restored in 2017 and is now a protected historical site. It is one of the most famous mosque in Azerbaijan which you must visit.


The Dashkasan Mosque in Azerbaijan is a large and impressive building, characterized by its distinctive architectural style. It was constructed in the 16th century by Şah Ismail Khatai, an important ruler of the Safavid Empire. The mosque is built in a central courtyard plan, with four iwans (rooms with arched walls) that surround an open courtyard. Within the courtyard lies a fountain and the main prayer hall. The columns of the prayer hall are topped with a magnificent carved dome, flanked by two minarets. The mosque is decorated with glazed tiles in traditional patterns, and has four portals that bear inscriptions from the Qur'an. The mosque also features a mihrab – a niche in the wall that indicates the direction of Mecca. Overall, the Dashkasan Mosque is a masterpiece of traditional Islamic architecture, seamlessly blending religion and art into a unified structure. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

? The visiting hours of Dashkasan Mosque in Azerbaijan are 10 am to 12 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm from Saturdays to Thursdays. On Fridays the mosque opens at 4 pm and closes at 7 pm. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Dashkasan Mosque is located in the Dashkasan region of Azerbaijan near the Georgia-Azerbaijan border. There is no public transport to the mosque, so the only option is to take a taxi or a personal car. The nearest major city is Ganja, which is approximately 75 miles from the mosque. The easiest way to get to the mosque from Ganja is by taxi which will cost around 200 AZN. beautiful masjid.

Explore Azerbaijan most popular tourist destination with us. Dashkasan Mosque In Azerbaijan: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 35.14 km away from Azerbaijan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Dashkasan. Azerbaijan

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