Bornholm Museum, Rønne In Denmark: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Bornholm Museum, Rønne in Denmark is the oldest museum in Denmark and operates from the 16th century castle on the small Danish island of Bornholm. Founded in 1895, the museum displays a variety of historical artifacts, including artifacts from prehistoric times, the Viking age, and the Middle Ages. The museum also houses a permanent exhibition on life on Bornholm in the 20th century and hosts a number of temporary exhibitions throughout the year. Additionally, the museum has a research department that focuses on topics related to the history, culture, and everyday life of the region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Denmark
Prominent Features:

1. History of Bornholm: The museum features the rich history of the island of Bornholm and the surrounding Baltic Sea region. Visitors can explore the island's ancient Stone Age history, its Viking past, and its industrial development. 2. Open-air Museum: The open-air museum displays historic thatched-roof houses and windmills from the 1700s; a mill, forge, and slaughterhouse from the 19th century, and several 19th-century and early 20th-century shops. 3. Art galleries: The museum features three galleries full of permanent and changing exhibitions of art and crafts, including works by modern Danish artists. 4. National Heritage Gallery: This gallery showcases the national heritage of the island, from folk art to furniture, textiles, decorations, and tools from the 19th and early 20th centuries. 5. Library and Archive: The museum library boasts collections of rare books and manuscripts related to the history and culture of the island. Visitors can also access the museum's archives to research the island's history. This national monument of Denmark portrays the history and culture of the country.


The History of Bornholm Museum (formerly: Bornholms Museum, including the museum of local history) can be traced back to 1790, when a number of local antiquities, books and manuscripts were collected and placed in the house of the local pastor, Jørgen Lyhne (1755-1825). The collection, then referred to as the pastor’s cabinet, soon expanded with illustrations, coins and stamps, philological-ethnographic and natural scientific objects, as well as archaeological objects from the Bornholm region. In 1829 Lyhne was succeeded by H.A. Pontoppidan (1778–1849), formerly the pastoral counsellor in Copenhagen. Pontoppidan reorganized and expanded the collections and in 1831 he established a public museum for the use of the local inhabitants. Pontoppidan was also instrumental in founding The Historical-Literary Association of Copenhagen in 1838. The Royal Danish Nature Society (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab) purchased the collections in 1853 and assigned curator Amandus Mortensen (1829–1903) to manage them. Mortensen enlarged the collection, arranged the objects, wrote detailed catalogues of the archaeological collection and the objects of ethnological interest, and founded Den Bornholmske Bog- og Kulturhistoriske Forening (a historical association of Bornholm). The Royal Danish Nature Society, wishing to concentrate resources in Copenhagen, established the Royal Odense Museum for Bornholm Collections in 1873, particularly transferring the archaeological collection to this museum. In 1916, the Danish governmental commission of the Bornholm collections decided to move the collections to Bornholm again, leading to the management of the museum by county curator Hyldevang Petersen. The museum was transferred to the newly established former Kastellet and Nyboder gunpowder store in 1917, which now serves as the current site of the Bornholm Museum. During its entire history, the Bornholm Museum has documented and studied the history of Bornholm and its region. Today the museum collects, preserves, implements and conveys the cultural and natural heritage of Bornholm and its region. The collections include over 30,000 objects of archaeological, anthropological, ethnographical, historical and natural history interest. Other collections include art, art historical objects, folk-art such as textiles and building decorations, as well as “everyday” items such as tools, coins and stamps. The museum also maintains a library that is open to the public. The museum is home to an exhibition that focuses on the people and culture of Bornholm and on aspects of life in Bornholm over the past 400 years. The museum participates in a number of national and international projects and activities, and publishes scientific research as well as a large number of books and other publications. The Bornholm Museum is one of the most important cultural and scientific institutions on the island of Bornholm and its collections reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. It is an important resource for the people of Bornholm and its visitors. Sources: "History of the Bornholm Museum." Bornholm Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 April 2017. . "Royal Odense Museum for Bornholm Collections." Royal Odense Museum for Bornholm Collections. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 April 2017. . You must visit one of these historical places in Denmark on your Denmark tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Bornholm Museum is one of the oldest and largest cultural history museums in Denmark, with a collection of over 550,000 items. 2. The museum was founded in 1896 by Danish archaeologist, Natanael Thomsen. 3. The museum is housed in the old Gudhjemvej district jail, which dates back to 1861. 4. The museum has an expansive archaeological collection, featuring items from prehistoric times to the Renaissance period. 5. It also houses the well-known bronze shield from Gudhjem, as well as a complete manuscript bible from the early 1500s. 6. The museum also has a large collection of cultural objects related to the island’s history and culture, including furniture, ceramics, and traditional costumes. 7. In addition to its historical collection, the museum also offers guided tours and educational programs, as well as art exhibitions. Visit one of the famous monuments of Denmark with your friends and family.

Explore Denmark most popular tourist destination with us. Bornholm Museum, Rønne In Denmark: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Denmark main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Bornholm Museum, Rønne Denmark

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