Discover - That Phum Phuk stupas - Fact, History and Travel Information

That Phum Phuk stupas is a group of stupas located in the historical city of Ayutthaya in Thailand. Built in the reign of Siam's King Rama III, these intricately designed stupas are considered to be some of the most iconic monuments in the city.

The That Phum Phuk stupas consists of four small stupas, two main stupas, and a large main stupa. The large stupa is believed to house the remains of three princes who were subjects of the King's. The smaller stupas are decorated with colorful stucco of geometric silvery design.

The That Phum Phuk stupas are an iconic symbol of Ayutthaya, the former capital of Siam. The stupas are believed to be built in honor of three princes who died while fighting in a war during the reign of King Rama III.

The That Phum Phuk stupas were built during the reign of King Rama III in 1836. The purpose of the stupas was to commemorate the three princes who were believed to have died during a war in the south.

The That Phum Phuk stupas are located in the historical city of Ayutthaya, Thailand. To visit the stupas, travelers can take a tuk-tuk or taxi from downtown Ayutthaya to the site. The stupas are open to the public daily and entrance is free.

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B. NAM NGAN ຫລວງນໍ້າທາ Laos

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