Madaba Archaeological Park In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Madaba Archaeological Park (MAP) is a protected archaeological site in the heart of Madaba, Jordan. It encompasses Madaba itself, and all the archaeological remains within the city walls, which date from the ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine eras. Much of the park is dedicated to the remains of the 6th century Church of the Apostles, but there are also numerous other sites such as the Madaba Roman Amphitheater, the Temple of Hercules, and the Madaba Mosaic Map. The Madaba Mosaic Map is the most famous at the park, and is a large Byzantine replica of the Holy Land with over 2 million pieces of colored stone. The park is also home to several other mosaic replicas of the Holy Land as well as several other archaeological sites and artifacts. The MAP is well known throughout the region and recognized worldwide for its archaeological significance and contribution to the study of religious history and art. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. Madaba Map Mosaic: This is the best-known feature in Madaba archaeological park. Dating from the 6th century, the Madaba Map Mosaic is a famous mosaic map of the Middle East in which cities, countries, and landmarks – including Jerusalem, Jordan, and the River Jordan – are all marked. 2. Byzantine-era Churches: There are two Byzantine-era churches in the archaeological park, the Church of Saint Stephen and the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian. The former has a mosaic floor depicting a fish tree which is believed to symbolize Christian faith, while the latter is an octagonal building which has been preserved in its original state. 3. Madaba Museum: The Madaba Museum is situated inside the archaeological park and provides visitors with information about the ancient ruins, artifacts, and ruins in the archaeological park. 4. Dhiban Archaeological Site: This site is located on the southwestern edge of the archaeological park and is an important archaeological site dating back to the 10th century BC. The ruins here include the Temple of Dushara and several tombs and fortifications. 5. Islamic City: This is an ancient Islamic city which dates back to the early 7th century and was constructed by the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik. The city features two mosques, a cistern, and a palace, as well as other ruins. 6. Open Air Museum: The park also features an outdoor museum allowing visitors to explore the history and culture of the area. The museum includes a wooden roofed structure dating back to the 18th century, a variety of cultural artifacts, and a reconstructed Palestinian village. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Madaba Archaeological Park is located in Jordan and is spread across two of Jordan's most historical sites; Madaba and Mount Nebo. The park was first declared an archaeological park in 2004 and falls under the official area of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan. The area has been closely associated with a myriad of history and religion spanning from the early Roman and Byzantine times. Many archaeological structures, towers, churches, and Byzantine period buildings have been found across the park. This park is also associated with the famed Madaba Map which is an ancient mosaic map of the Middle East region that dates back to the 6th century. The map is contained on the external wall of the Church of Saint George. This historic park is also famous for being the possible burial site of Moses the prophet, located at Mount Nebo. The topography of the park is attractive and some of the attractions include the Byzantine churches at Madaba, the chapel of Moses on Mount Nebo, a Byzantine ruin, a ruin complex, and a ruin of the Church of the Transfiguration. The local government has been investing in the park, upgrading existing tours and promoting the park's tourist potential. A nearby museum has been built to house various artifacts associated with Madaba and Mount Nebo. The park also offers camping, conference and cultural programs. The park is open to the public, though certain sections of some structures may not be accessible. Madaba Archaeological Park attracts visitors and researchers from around the world who come to learn more about the culture, history, and archaeology of this remarkable area. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Park is home to the world's oldest map of the Holy Land. It is the Madaba Map, a 6th century mosaic map of the ancient Middle East. 2. The Park is located on the former Roman road which connected Jerusalem to Philadelphia in Jordan. 3. The Park protects hundreds of Byzantine mosaics and other ruins from the 4th century which were uncovered during excavations that began in the late 19th Century. 4. The Park is home to a Byzantine Church complex as well as one of the oldest churches in the world. 5. Tourists are able to explore the archaeological sites and view the mosaics and ruins as well as visit a nearby craft street where visitors can buy traditional artifacts. 6. The Park also provides an education centre where visitors can learn more about the history of the Greek Orthodox Church and the surroundings. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Madaba Archaeological Park In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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