Raya Palembang Mosque - Palembang In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

and Raya Palembang Mosque, also known as Al-Mubarok Mosque, is the oldest mosque in Palembang, South Sumatra in Indonesia. This Islamic landmark was built during the reign of Sultan Maharaja Syah and completed in 1590, making it one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia. The building has a distinct architecture which symbolizes the fusion of both Native Indonesian and Islamic design elements. It is said to have been constructed by the sultan himself, serving both as a religious site and a symbol of his power. The mosque is located in front of the Jalan Raya Palembang’s Garuda monument in the heart of Palembang, surrounded by local markets and heritage buildings. Standing at the centre of the bustling city, the mosque serves as a reminder of the rich Islamic heritage of Palembang.The mosque has an articulated three-tiered roof which stands out amongst the other buildings in the area. Inside, the main prayer room is decorated with stucco carvings with an ornate 90 columns supporting the roof, while the four towers which rise from each corner are decorated with traditional Palembang motifs. Raya Palembang Mosque is still in use today, hosting Friday prayers as well as Ramadan gatherings for over a century. The mosque also serves as an important cultural landmark and a centre for local Islamic studies. It is open for the public to visit, however, non Muslims are not allowed to enter the main prayer hall. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


The Raya Palembang Mosque is an imposing spiritual landmark situated in the city of Palembang in Indonesia. The mosque, which is also known as the Grand Mosque of Palembang, is an important religious monument in the Sumatra province. The mosque is famed for its stunning architecture, which draws influences from a variety of modern and ancient architectural styles. The mosque stands imposingly on the Sumatran mainland and is surrounded by a picturesque landscape full of lush green meadows, tall coconut trees and beautiful meandering rivers. The impressive sloping roof of the mosque is inspired by Javanese traditional architecture, with a single minaret designed to resemble an antique Balinese temple. The huge, cylindrical structure of the mosque is supported by a series of elegant arches which form the basis of the dome’s fascinating internal architecture. The four-storey building is over 70 metres tall and its grandiosity is enhanced by the use of red brick and grey stone. The interior of the mosque is equally breathtaking and features intricately-carved wooden benches and ornately tiled floors and walls. Large stained glass windows frame the rows of worshippers lined up for prayers. The mosque’s staircase leads up to a majestic balcony where visitors can enjoy the magnificent view of the surrounding landscape. The Raya Palembang Mosque is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful religious monuments in Indonesia and its stunning architecture is a symbol of the province’s rich culture and heritage. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Raya Palembang Mosque is located in Palembang, Indonesia. The mosque is open for visitors on Tuesdays and Fridays from 09.00 to 12.00. Group visits and special occasions may be arranged in advance. Visitors must abide by the dress code and remove their shoes before entering the mosque. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Raya Palembang Mosque (also known as the Great Mosque of Palembang) is located in the city of Palembang, capital of the South Sumatra province in Indonesia. The mosque was built in the 17th century, and is one of the oldest and most renowned mosques in Indonesia. The mosque is easily accessible by bus or taxi, with the nearest bus station located just 200 meters away. It is also possible to reach the mosque by train, however this option is usually more expensive. The Raya Palembang Mosque is open every day to visitors, with regular opening hours from 8am to 10pm. During certain Muslim holidays, the hours may be extended. The mosque offers visitors a unique experience, with its striking architecture and numerous cultural attractions. Visitors should ensure to dress modestly when visiting the mosque. beautiful masjid.

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