GKI Diponegoro In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services

GKI Diponegoro is an Indonesian Protestant church located in Central Jakarta. The church was founded in 1967 and is part of the Indonesian Pentecostal Church (GKI) movement in Indonesia. GKI Diponegoro It is one of the best churches in Indonesia which you must visit.


GKI Diponegoro was founded by Rev. Soetardjo. The church initially met in a small rented house until a plot of land was purchased in the Kalibata area of Central Jakarta. In 1970, the church began construction on a larger building and eventually moved into the new premises in April of 1971. GKI Diponegoro This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Indonesia.


Here are some facts about the GKI Diponegoro In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Indonesia
* GKI Diponegoro is one of the most prominent Pentecostal churches in Indonesia. * The church has an active presence in the local community, providing youth and medical services. * GKI Diponegoro is led by Rev. Dr. Yonemauni Hutabarat, the current General Superintendent of GKI. GKI Diponegoro

GKI Diponegoro caters for a range of services. These include worship services, baptisms, discussions and Bible study groups, community outreach programs, summer camps for children and teenagers, as well as a number of other activities. The church also offers a range of counselling and pastor-led sessions to help members with issues such as depression, alcohol and drug abuse. The church also runs a food aid program to help the needy and homeless.This beautiful church in Indonesia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. GKI Diponegoro In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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