As-Salam Mosque - Padang In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is a major mosque located in the city of Padang, Indonesia. The mosque was built in the 16th century and is one of the most prominent Islamic structures in Padang. The structure is made up of several distinct architectural features including an octagonal minaret, a main prayer hall, and several inner chambers which are used for various religious activities. The mosque is also a popular tourist destination, and visitors can take in the beauty of the mosque, receive religious instruction, and take part in cultural activities. The As-salam mosque has been renovated and restored numerous times over its existence but still maintains its classic aesthetic and symbolic appeal. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


The As-Salam Mosque, located in Padang, Indonesia, is an Islamic house of worship that was built in 1835. The mosque was built in a traditional Minangkabau style of architecture, which is a type of architecture seen in many areas of West Sumatra. This style features steeply sloped roofs, thick pillars, and intricate carvings. The interior of the mosque is composed of eight pillars in the center, which support the roof and hold up the wooden ceiling, while the walls of the prayer hall have inlaid wooden panels and are elaborately decorated with geometric carving and calligraphy. The main prayer hall is surrounded by two balconies, which are used for the overflow of worshipers during peak times. The exteriors of the mosque are designed with distinct white masonry, which is decorated with intricate artwork and bright colors. The entrances are also carved in a way that follows Islamic architecture methods, with the central entrance being the most prominent. These entrances feature large arched doorways and two towers that flank each side. The most visually appealing feature of the mosque is its minaret, which is gold-colored and stands at 35 meters tall, as it prominently overlooks the city of Padang. The As-Salam Mosque is a magnificent sight to behold both from within and from the outside. Its traditional Minangkabau style of architecture has maintained its beauty and charm since its construction over 180 years ago, and it is now an iconic landmark of Padang. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Visitors are welcome to visit As-Salam Mosque in Padang, Indonesia at any time during normal daylight hours. The mosque typically opens at 5.00am and closes at 7.00pm. During the month of Ramadan, the opening and closing times are slightly extended to 6.00am and 8.00pm respectively. It is advisable for visitors to wear appropriate modest clothing while visiting the mosque. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

As-Salam Mosque is a historic mosque located in Padang, Indonesia. The mosque, which is located close to the heart of the city, was built in the 16th century and is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia. The main entrance of the mosque is adorned with a number of ornamental arches and is surrounded by two entrance towers. The central dome is also decorated with several decorative ornaments. Inside the mosque, there are several old prayer mats and carpets which have been preserved as a reminder of the ancient history of Padang. The Waqf Office of the mosque provides Islamic educational materials for worshippers. The mosque is open to the public for daily prayers. During the Ramadan period, the mosque can be quite crowded as people come here to perform their daily prayers. The nearest airport to As-Salam Mosque is Minangkabau International Airport, which is about 16 kilometers away. The nearest train station is Padang Koto Baru, which is about 4 kilometers away. Taxis, minibuses, and other public transportation are available for getting to and from the mosque conveniently. beautiful masjid.

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