Al-Irsyad Mosque - Bandung In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is a modernist mosque located in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. It was established in 1982 and was designed by Zaida Adyatie, a national architect laureate, who incorporated a combination of Islamic and Dutch colonial influences. Built with funds from the Islamic Foundation Central and West Java, the mosque is made up of seven domes and includes 30 pillars that can be seen from the outside. Inside, the mosque is equipped with modern facilities that cater to the spiritual needs of its congregants. This includes classrooms, a library, and a multi-purpose hall. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


The Al-Irsyad Mosque in Bandung, Indonesia is a mix of traditional and modern Islamic architecture. It was designed by Indonesian architect Ridwan Kamil, and features a characteristic onion dome and minaret surrounded by a concrete and marble façade. The building was built in 2017 and opened for public use in 2019. The exterior of the mosque is constructed with concrete, glass, and marble, which is then covered with black and brown tiles and adorned with a golden jagged pattern. The entrance leads to an inner courtyard, which features a vibrant blue pond and a curved wall that supports a lavish onion dome. The minaret stands at the highest point of the building, reaching a height of 35 meters and decorated in the same pattern as the exterior walls, adding to the elegant design of the mosque. The interior of the mosque is spacious and brightly lit, with a main prayer hall, several rooms for classes, and an outdoor balcony. The building also has a sophisticated air conditioning system and several large windows to let in natural light. In the center of the prayer hall is a raised platform with the Quran and prayer rugs. The walls and the ceiling are adorned with gold and teal geometric patterns, and the floor is covered by hand-woven, colorful carpets. Overall, the Al-Irsyad Mosque in Bandung is an impressive example of modern Islamic architecture that blends traditional motifs with modern materials and technology. The building stands as a testament to the enduring beauty of Indonesia's Islamic architectural heritage. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Al-Irsyad Mosque is open to visitors on weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm and on weekends from 8.30am to 12.30pm. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Transportation: The Al-Irsyad Mosque is located in the city center of Bandung, Indonesia, making it easily accessible by public transportation. There are buses, taxis, and ojeks (motorcycle taxis) that can be taken from nearly anywhere in the city and arrive in the vicinity of the mosque. Location: The Al-Irsyad Mosque is located in the city center of Bandung, Indonesia. The exact address is Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Penghibur, Gedung Wangi, Bandung 40125, Indonesia. beautiful masjid.

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