Al-Ikhlas Mosque - Surabaya In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

and Overview Al-Ikhlas Mosque in Surabaya is one of the oldest religious centres in Indonesia. Located in the heart of the city, it was first built in 1876 by Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdel Rahman, an Indonesian Islamic scholar. Since then, the mosque has become a popular site for prayer, cultural events and festivals. It is also often visited by pilgrims and tourists from abroad. The main structure of the mosque is a large, octagonal hall, topped by four minarets. It is said to be inspired by the Great Mosque of Demak, which was itself built in 1546. The mosque is surrounded by a large park area, which features a playground and a fountain. On the northern side of the mosque is a graveyard for the family of Sheikh Abdullah. The mosque is decorated with ornate designs and motifs, which have been added by various generations of pilgrims. It is also home to a vast collection of the Indonesian Islamic scholar’s manuscripts. Visitors to Al-Ikhlas Mosque are able to take part in religious activities, such as prayer services and lectures. In recent times, the mosque has become popular with both Indonesian Muslims and those from overseas. Due to its size and reputation, it is often the site of many national religious conferences and celebrations. Al-Ikhlas Mosque is also the headquarters of the Al-Ikhlas Foundation, an Indonesian Islamic charity. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


The Al-Ikhlas Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia is a popular destination for worshippers and tourists alike. The mosque was constructed in 1980 and has an impressive traditional Islamic architecture. The mosque has white plaster and stucco walls as its main facade, and a unifying green dome in the center. The dome is adorned with four minarets and is one of the highest Islamic mosque domes in Indonesia. It also features a five-story entrance gate and portico, two large front columns, and a spacious courtyard. Inside the mosque, visitors will find a prayer hall, classrooms, a library, a theater, and a recreation area. The mosque also houses a community art gallery with its own prayer hall. The interior of the mosque is open and brightly lit, and the overall design creates a calming and peaceful atmosphere. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Al-Ikhlas Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia is open to visitors from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. During this time, visitors can explore the inside and outside of the mosque and visit the gift shop. However, visitors must adhere to certain regulations or rules of conduct to ensure the mosque remains a respectful and peaceful place. Visitors must cover their heads while entering the mosque, remove any footwear, and dress modestly. Visitors are also not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, or take any photos inside the mosque. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Al-Ikhlas Mosque is located in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia. The address of the mosque is Jalan Keputran, Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61125, Indonesia. The closest airport to Al-Ikhlas Mosque is Juanda International Airport, located about 19km away from the mosque. To get to the mosque from the airport, you can take a taxi or bus. Taxis are available at the airport and will take about 30 minutes to reach the mosque. Alternatively, you can take the public bus from Juanda International Airport to the nearest bus stop, which is about 8km away from the mosque. From there, you can catch a ride on an ojek (motorcycle taxi) to the mosque. The ride should take about 15 minutes. beautiful masjid.

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