Al-Falah Mosque - Surabaya In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Al-Falah Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia was built in 1980 and is one of the largest mosques in East Java. Its minaret is 48 metres tall, making it the tallest mosque in Surabaya. The mosque is located in the Gebang district of the city and can accommodate up to 1,500 worshippers. The architecture of the Al-Falah Mosque draws heavily from the architectural styles of the Ottoman Empire and the Fatimid Dynasty of Egypt. The four minarets of the mosque are each 13.5 meters tall and is a distinguishing feature of the mosque. The interior of the mosque features floral motifs and Islamic calligraphy and has a 75-room seminary to support religious studies. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


Al-Falah Mosque is located in Surabaya, Indonesia. It is the largest mosque in Surabaya and one of the oldest structures in the city. The mosque was built in the 15th century CE by a Persian pastor who was an immigrant from the Persian city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The mosque is noted for its unique architectural style. The roof is the most distinctive feature of the mosque, and it is composed of three layers of circular ridges on top of each other. The ridges alternate between red and black, with the red ridges representing the sun and the black ones representing the moon. The roof is topped with a dome made of green and gold ceramic tiles, which is lit up at night and serves as a beacon for the prayerful. The building is made of river stone and has a main entrance hall lined with pillars decorated with calligraphy and floral patterns. Inside the entrance hall is a courtyard surrounded by four minarets, which were added in the 17th century. The courtyard features a fountain, which is used for ablution before prayer. The interior walls of the mosque are covered in Quranic verses and are painted in bright colors typical of traditional Islamic harem (interior) decor. A mihrab marks the direction of Mecca when praying and a minbar (pulpit) is located in the front. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Al-Falah Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia is from 5 AM until 8 PM every day. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Getting to Al-Falah Mosque from Surabaya: By Car: The mosque is located about 20 minutes drive from the center of Surabaya. The best route to take is to take Jalan Basuki Rahmat until you reach Jalan RE Martadinata. Continue on this road until you reach Jalan Ngagel Jaya Utara, then turn right onto Jalan Gatot Subroto. Then take the left onto Jalan Jemursari before finally turning left onto Jalan Kranggan and the mosque will be on your right. By Bus: Take bus number 30 from Pasar Turi Terminal heading towards Jembatan Merah. Get off at Jembatan Merah and then take a 5-minute walk to the mosque. By Taxi: The quickest and most convenient way to get to the mosque is to take a taxi or an ojek (motorcycle taxi). This should take around 10-15 minutes depending on traffic. beautiful masjid.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. Al-Falah Mosque - Surabaya In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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