Warigadeng Ruins In India: History,Facts, & Services

Warigadeng Ruins Overview Warigadeng Ruins is an ancient settlement located in the Unpa district of Kutch, Gujarat, India. It is said to be more than 2000 years old and is believed to have been built by the Chudasama-Bhil rulers in the late 12th century. The ruins consist of a fortified wall, a large well, a Shiva-Lingam shrine and a few other structures. Warigadeng Ruins Prominent Features The most prominent feature of Warigadeng Ruins is the 8-foot thick perimeter wall which has been expertly constructed using different architectural styles. It surrounds an area of around 4 acres. Inside the settlement there is a large well, a Shiva-Lingam shrine, and a large panoramic view of the nearby hills. Warigadeng Ruins History The ruins of Warigadeng are believed to have been first built by the powerful Chudasama-Bhil rulers in the late 12th century and it was a flourishing trading town for centuries. The ruins themselves are thought to have been built between the 14th and 16th centuries. Warigadeng Ruins Interesting facts The ruins have been listed as one of the prime tourist spots in the Kutch region by the Gujarat Tourism board and the National Monument Authority of India. It has also been granted protected monument status by the same body. Warigadeng was also used as a backdrop in the Bollywood movie Umrao Jaan (2006).

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Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. India

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