EELK Mustamäe Maarja Magdaleena Kogudus In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

EELK Mustamäe Maarja Magdaleena Kogudus In Estonia is a Lutheran church in Tallinn, Estonia. The church dates back to 1601 and was built in the mid-1800s to serve the local Estonian community. It serves as the main congregation of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELK) in the country. The main building and church belltower also serve as a landmark in the Mustamäe neighborhood. The church offers various services and holds regular worship services including weekly sermons, as well as special events for children and adults. The church works to provide members of the local community with spiritual guidance and support.

Explore Estonia most popular tourist destination with us. EELK Mustamäe Maarja Magdaleena Kogudus In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Estonia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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