Tartu Kolgata Baptistikogudus In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

Tartu Kolgata Baptistikogudus In Estonia is a church located in Tartu, Estonia. It is an evangelical Christian church and a part of the Baptist Union of Estonia. The church was founded in 1810 and its history is entwined with the many different eras that Estonia has gone through. History The Tartu Kolgata Baptistikogudus In Estonia was founded in 1810 by a group of Baptist believers who were from Ravila, Voru County, Estonia. The church was led by Reverend Isaac Brunow and other pastors. The church quickly grew in size and influence. During the era of Imperial Russia, the church saw a period of great growth and influence. However, during the Soviet rule of Estonia, the church was persecuted and many members were displaced or forced to go underground. In 1997, the church was officially re-registered with the government and it became the first registered Baptist church in Estonia. Since then, the church has once again seen an increase in its membership and influence. Facts The church services are conducted in Estonian, and it is a member of the European Baptist Federation. The church has a Sunday school and a youth group, which both meet regularly. It also hosts special events, such as Christmas services. Services The Tartu Kolgata Baptistikogudus In Estonia offers a variety of religious services and activities for its members. It holdservices every Sunday and Sunday School classes throughout the week. The church also has a youth group, prayer meetings, and Bible study groups. Additionally, the church often hosts special events for its members, such as exhibitions, music concerts, and other activities.

Explore Estonia most popular tourist destination with us. Tartu Kolgata Baptistikogudus In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Estonia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tartu Estonia

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