Crkva sv. NikolaIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services
Crkva sv. Nikola is a Serbian Orthodox church located in the city of Belgrade, Serbia. Established in 1725, it is the second oldest church in the city after the Cathedral Church of Saint Michael. The church is dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of merchants and travelers.
It is one of the best churches in Croatia which you must visit.
The church was built from 1725 to 1730 by master builder Nikola Krstić, who was commissioned by a local merchant. In 1768, additional reconstructions including the white marble iconostasis occurred. The church was damaged by fire in 1829 but was quickly rebuilt and rededicated in 1831. In 2003, the Serbian Orthodox Church proclaimed Crkva sv. Nikola as a Cultural Monument of Exceptional Importance. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Croatia.
Here are some facts about the Crkva sv. NikolaIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Croatia
The façade of Crkva sv. Nikola is decorated with four belfries in a classic Serbian style. The iconostasis is also unique, with relief engravings and framed with Carrara marble. The church also contains 49 wall-paintings by an unknown painter in the 18th century.
Services at Crkva sv. Nikola include weekly Sunday Divine Liturgy, feasts, major feasts of the church, psalms and parastos. Special activities for locals include a religion school for children and youth. There are also regular lectures and seminars on cultural and religious topics held throughout the year.This beautiful church in Croatia has made a lot of significance in the past.
The church was built from 1725 to 1730 by master builder Nikola Krstić, who was commissioned by a local merchant. In 1768, additional reconstructions including the white marble iconostasis occurred. The church was damaged by fire in 1829 but was quickly rebuilt and rededicated in 1831. In 2003, the Serbian Orthodox Church proclaimed Crkva sv. Nikola as a Cultural Monument of Exceptional Importance. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Croatia.
Here are some facts about the Crkva sv. NikolaIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Croatia
The façade of Crkva sv. Nikola is decorated with four belfries in a classic Serbian style. The iconostasis is also unique, with relief engravings and framed with Carrara marble. The church also contains 49 wall-paintings by an unknown painter in the 18th century.
Services at Crkva sv. Nikola include weekly Sunday Divine Liturgy, feasts, major feasts of the church, psalms and parastos. Special activities for locals include a religion school for children and youth. There are also regular lectures and seminars on cultural and religious topics held throughout the year.This beautiful church in Croatia has made a lot of significance in the past.
Explore Croatia most popular tourist destination with us. Crkva sv. NikolaIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Croatia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
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