Plaza Murillo In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Plaza Murillo is the main square of La Paz, located in downtown La Paz, Bolivia. It is bordered by the Government Palace, the National Congress, the Cathedral of La Paz, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. It is often the site of outdoor parades, ceremonies, and rallies, and features a variety of monuments. The name of the plaza is taken from the name of the first president of Bolivia, Juan José de Murillo. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bolivia
Prominent Features:

1. Presidential Palace: The Presidential Palace, or Palacio de Gobierno, is the official residence of the President of Bolivia and is located in the Plaza Murillo. It was built in the 1880s in baroque style by architect Emilio Ferroviari and houses the Bolivian congress, offices for Bolivian cabinet ministers, and administrative offices. 2. Cathedral of La Paz: Located just south of the Presidential Palace, the Cathedral of La Paz is an incredible example of Renaissance and Neoclassical architecture. Its splendid interior is adorned with murals depicting Biblical scenes and ornate sculptures. 3. Santiago de la Paz: This statue of Juana Azurduy de Padilla, one of the foremost leaders of the 18th century independence movements in Bolivia, stands tall in the center of Plaza Murillo. 4. Saint Francis Church: Standing directly across the square from La Paz Cathedral, Saint Francis Church was originally built in 1768 and houses a museum with a variety of religious objects and pieces of art. 5. Arco Iris Fountain: The impressive Arco Iris fountain is surrounded by four statues representing justice, peace, intelligence, and concord. Located in the center of Plaza Murillo, these statues and the fountain offer a pleasant backdrop for photography. This national monument of Bolivia portrays the history and culture of the country.


Plaza Murillo is the main plaza in La Paz, Bolivia, and is considered to be the political, cultural and spiritual center of the city. The plaza is named after Mariano Melgarejo, who was an independent president of Bolivia from 1864 to 1871. The Plaza Murillo was established in 1825, shortly after Bolivia declared its independence from Spanish colonial rule. It was initially known as the Plaza Mayor, and served as the site of many national events and meetings. During this time, President Melgarejo was able to bring peace and stability to the country after a period of civil unrest. In his honor, the plaza was renamed in 1871, and has kept the same name ever since. The plaza is home to many important public buildings such as the Presidential Palace, the Legislative Palace, the Cathedral of La Paz, the Archbishop's Palace, and the National Pantheon. Around the plaza are also many monuments honoring past figures in Bolivian history. Today, Plaza Murillo is a popular tourist destination, full of history and tradition. Every September, the square is the site of the National March, in which people of all ages, backgrounds, and political denominations march side-by-side pay homage to the country’s freedom. Other special events include the Carnival of La Paz, during which traditional dances are performed in the plaza, and the installation of nativity scenes during the holiday season. You must visit one of these historical places in Bolivia on your Bolivia tour

Interesting facts:

1. Plaza Murillo is the main square of the Bolivian capital city of La Paz. 2. The surrounding buildings house the Bolivian legislature, the Metropolitan Cathedral, and the Presidential Palace. 3. The square serves as a meeting place for locals and tourists alike, attracting a vibrant street market and street performers. 4. Plaza Murillo was first constructed in 1548 by Spanish colonial settlers, and is now home to a number of important monuments, including the statue of Simón Bolívar and a war memorial for heroes of Bolivia’s War of the Pacific. 5. As a historic cultural and political center, Plaza Murillo has frequent protests and formal ceremonies, like parades and flag ceremonies. 6. The square has seen its share of dramatic moments, including the killing of Che Guevara in October 1967 and the 2002 political unrest that forced President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada to resign. 7. In 2013, the square was the site of a protest against a proposed highway project, which eventually led to its cancellation. 8. The square is named after Mariano Fernando Murillo (1781-1848), a Bolivian political figure, who was described in the Bolivian Constitution of 1825 as "the Father of the Nation". Visit one of the famous monuments of Bolivia with your friends and family.

Explore Bolivia most popular tourist destination with us. Plaza Murillo In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bolivia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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