Huancarani Church In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Huancarani Church is a 17th century Catholic Church located in Huancarani, a small village in central Bolivia. The church is a classic example of colonial-era ecclesiastical architecture in the country, consisting of rustic adobe exterior walls and a beautiful altar built with carved stone and wood. It is also an important historical landmark as it was the first church established in Huancarani after the town’s foundation in 1611. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bolivia
Prominent Features:

1. Natural Rock Walls:The walls of this church were carved out of natural rock walls, giving it a unique and rustic design. 2. Colorful Interior: The interior of the church is brightly colorful and decorated with religious imagery and other traditional designs. 3. Unique Wooden Structure: The structure of the church is built mainly with wood, making it stand out from other churches in Bolivia. 4. Historical Significance: Huancarani Church is considered to be an important historical site in Bolivia due to its tourist attraction and its connections with the Inca Empire. 5. Extensive Carvings: The walls of this church are decorated with impressive relief carvings of people, animals, and other symbols of the Inca Empire. This national monument of Bolivia portrays the history and culture of the country.


Huancarani Church has a long and fascinating history that stretches back to the early part of the 19th century. The church was established in 1806, when the first priest, Father José de la Puente, arrived in Huancarani with a mission to evangelize the people of the region. Father José de la Puente was well-traveled and highly knowledgeable in both the distinct culture of the area and the surrounding area of Santa Cruz. He quickly identified the spiritual needs of the indigenous community and built the Huancarani Church in order to meet them. For decades, Huancarani Church played an important role in the spiritual life of the region. In the early 20th century, the church became a center for social activism and education. It was here that the people of Huancarani began to organize against the oppressive regime of the Andean aristocracy. Later, Huancarani Church served as a sanctuary for many who were fleeing the violence of the Chaco War (1932-1935). Today, Huancarani Church continues to be an important symbol for both the Catholic faith and Bolivian culture. The church still regularly holds services each Sunday, as well as special activities throughout the year. In recent years, Huancarani Church has been adapted to better serve its modern-day community through the addition of a library, a shrine to the Virgin of Huancarani, and a museum dedicated to local history and anthropology. You must visit one of these historical places in Bolivia on your Bolivia tour

Interesting facts:

1. Huancarani Church is located in the Chiurucu Community of Southwestern Bolivia. 2. Huancarani Church is considered to be one of the oldest and largest churches in all of South America. 3. The Huancarani Church building dates back to the year 1550, making it almost 500 years old. 4. Huancarani Church was declared a national cultural legacy of Bolivia in the year 1979. 5. The building of the church is unique for its intricate stone construction, with true Inca and Aymaran architecture. 6. Inside of the church, you can find a circular altar made of pink marble and an impressive ‘mirror de plata’ (mother-of-pearl chandelier) from 1690. 7. Huancarani Church consists of 25 long rooms, 800 wooden seats and a balcony for 30 more. This makes it the perfect place for community gatherings. 8. Many artisans offer their finest pieces in the Huancarani Church markets. Here you can find high-end weavings, jewelry and traditional musical instruments. 9. Every afteernoon, the nearby plaza outside of Huancarani Church is filled with traditional folkloric music and dancing from the locals. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bolivia with your friends and family.

Explore Bolivia most popular tourist destination with us. Huancarani Church In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bolivia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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