Misiones de Chiquitos In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is an NGO created with the aim of implementing strategies and projects for development that improve the quality of life of the people of the Chiquitano region. This area is located in the east-central part of Bolivia, near the border with Brazil. It is an area of sparse population, isolated from the rest of the country, extremely poor and where access to basic public services is limited. The organization works with different communities in this region, promoting sustainable development and cultural identity. It provides assistance with access to healthcare, education, water and sanitation, food, microcredit and other projects aimed at reducing poverty and creating opportunities for these communities. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bolivia
Prominent Features:

1. Natural Beauty: Misiones de Chiquitos is often referred to as an "Eden in the Chaco," due to its lush and unspoiled tracts of jungle, rivers, and streams, and its diverse wildlife. 2. Historical Sites: Situated in Bolivia's Santa Cruz department, Misiones de Chiquitos is home to numerous Jesuit ruins and Catholic churches from the 17th century. 3. Indigenous Culture: As an important center for Jesuit missionary activity, Misiones de Chiquitos has a rich and unique indigenous culture, with local communities still practicing traditional customs. 4. Adventure: With its jungles, rivers, and streams, Misiones de Chiquitos is a great adventure destination for nature lovers and adrenaline junkies alike. Popular activities include hiking, mountain biking, and canoeing. 5. Biodiversity: Located in the heart of one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, Misiones de Chiquitos is home to an array of flora and fauna, including tropical birds, caimans, primates, and river dolphins. This national monument of Bolivia portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Misiones de Chiquitos are a group of Jesuit Reductions located in the southeastern part of the Santa Cruz Department of Bolivia. These missions were established by the Jesuit Order between 1691 and 1700. They were initially meant to bring the native people of the region under the banner of the Catholic faith and to educate them on the ways of European culture. However, over time, they became a melting pot of the different indigenous cultures in the region. The mission sites became an important part of the cultural history of the region. They were home to a diverse mix of peoples, including Guarani, Chiquitanos, Paiute, and Quechua peoples. Throughout their existence, the missions provided religious instruction, education, and healthcare for the people of the region for more than two centuries until they were officially abolished in 1867. The structures of the mission sites still stand today, providing visitors with a unique insight into the past. The missions are now recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and continue to be a place of both historical interest and spiritual enlightenment. You must visit one of these historical places in Bolivia on your Bolivia tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Chapel of Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, located in Misiones de Chiquitos in Bolivia, is believed to be the oldest Jesuit mission in the Americas, having been built around 1696. 2. The ruins of Misiones de Chiquitos also contain a Baroque-style oratory, a stone bell tower, and other constructions, making it a unique relic of colonial times. 3. The mission site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990 and is now a popular tourist destination. 4. The Jesuit missions of Chiquitos were vital in spreading the Christian faith among the native people of the region, practicing some of the first social and cultural mixing in South America. 5. The town of Misiones de Chiquitos is one of the smallest in Bolivia, populated by only around 7,000 people. 6. A festival is held in Misiones de Chiquitos every year in June to commemorate the anniversary of its founding. The festival features music, dancing, traditional food, and activities that honor the town’s historic Jesuit mission. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bolivia with your friends and family.

Explore Bolivia most popular tourist destination with us. Misiones de Chiquitos In Bolivia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bolivia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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