Church of God (7th Day) - Church Hill In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services
Church of God (7th Day) - Church Hill In Barbados is a Christian Church located in the parish of St. Michael on the Caribbean island of Barbados. The Church was founded in 1969 and serves as a center for evangelism, bible study, and worship for the local community. Services are conducted every Seventh Day Sabbath, according to the observance dates and seasons of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Church of God (7th Day) - Church Hill In Barbados is a member of the World Church of God (7th Day) and their mission statement emphasizes the importance of diligent Bible study, committed prayer, and the seventh-day Sabbath observance - in addition to the essential aspects of evangelism, healing, salvation, and Christian fellowship.
Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. Church of God (7th Day) - Church Hill In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
Church of God (7th Day) - Barbados is located in Church Hill, Barbados.
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