Dilmun Burial Mounds, Saar In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Dilmun Burial Mounds, Saar in Bahrain is a site comprising several ancient burial mounds dating back to the Dilmun civilisation, which was one of the oldest and most advanced civilisations in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region. The mounds are located in the city of Saar, which is located in the northern part of Bahrain. The archaeological finds of the area provide evidence of a highly advanced culture with a rich and diverse material culture. It is believed that this civilisation was part of an extensive trading network between the Indus Valley in India and Mesopotamia in present day Iraq. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bahrain
Prominent Features:

The most notable feature of the Dilmun Burial Mounds at Saar in Bahrain is their large size. The burial mounds are believed to have been constructed between 2500 and 600 BC and are some of the largest mounds of the Dilmun period. The impressive size of the structures combined with the fact that they have been undisturbed since antiquity make them a fascinating archaeological site. The burial mounds are composed of roughly cut stones and boulders placed in an oval pattern and were probably used by the Dilmun civilisation for burial or burial-related rituals. It is believed that some of the mounds may contain royal tombs. The burial mounds are made up of an outer wall of roughly cut coral blocks, some of which are ornamented with ancient symbols. Inside the outer wall is an inner oval-shaped chamber, which appears to be orientated north-south with an open rectangular entrance. The burial mounds retain much of their original features, including the spectacular entrance and "stopper" gateways which are thought to have been for the purpose of keeping out wild animals. In addition, one of the mounds bears evidence of a tabular stone arranged on a circular platform within the chamber which is believed to have been a kind of cenotaph or altar. The mounds are believed to hold many secrets still, so access to the area is restricted to preserve the archaeological remains of the Dilmun culture. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bahrain.


Dilmun burial mounds, also known as the Royal Tombs of Saar, are located in Bahrain and are among the oldest surviving archaeological remains in the area.Evidence indicates that these mounds date back to around 2400 BC, with the earliest foundations being built as early as 3000 BC. The mounds are believed to have been built to bury Dilmun rulers, who were the most powerful political figures in the region at the time. Since Bahrain is mainly desert, it is highly likely that these mounds were once covered in sand, protecting them from the elements. Archaeologists have found that the mounds are constructed in a series of circular tiers, each containing several tombs. The tombs themselves are made of sun-dried mud-brick walls, and an internal chamber that contained furniture, pottery, food, and personal items for use in the afterlife. The mounds are a unique historical site as they represent an ancient civilization and belief system. In addition to burial mounds, the Saar region also contains several other archaeological sites such as stone circles, temples, and petroglyphs. All of these structures are believed to represent an important part of ancient religion and culture in the region. The mounds at Saar provide an insight into how ancient civilizations handled death and mortality. In addition, they may provide clues about religious and political systems in Bahrain during the ancient period. It is believed that the Dilmun rulers were buried in the mounds according to their rank and importance within the community. As more is learned about ancient Bahrain, it is likely that more secrets will be uncovered about the Dilmun burial mounds. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bahrain with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Dilmun burial mounds were first discovered in 1950. The area was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005. 2. The oldest of the mounds are estimated to date back to 2400 BC, while the younger ones are estimated to date back to 800 BC. 3. The mounds are believed to have been built by the people of Dilmun, an ancient kingdom that encompassed much of the modern Persian Gulf. 4. The mounds are comprised of large artificial hills, some of which are much larger than a football field. 5. Some of the burial mounds contain human remains and grave goods, including jewelry, pottery, and even boats. 6. Historians believe that the mounds are evidence of an advanced and sophisticated culture that thrived in Bahrain thousands of years ago. 7. Excavations at the site have revealed information about Dilmun's religious practices, architecture, trade, and social customs. 8. The mounds are also believed to have been an important landmark in ancient trade routes between Mesopotamia and India. One of the historical monuments of Bahrain, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Bahrain most popular tourist destination with us. Dilmun Burial Mounds, Saar In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Bahrain main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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