Al-Khamis Mosque, Manama In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Al-Khamis Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Bahrain, located in the town of Manama. The mosque is said to have been built by the Persian ruler Ismail Khudabakhsh in the 12th century AD. With many decorative elements, including marble columns, intricate stonework and a dome at the top, the mosque is a popular tourist attraction. The mosque was badly damaged after a bombing raid in 1997, but it has since been restored to its former glory. The mosque is an important part of Bahrain’s history and culture, and is a symbol of the country’s Islamic faith. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bahrain
Prominent Features:

1. A Towering Presence: Al-Khamis Mosque is a striking, four-storey building that stands out among the skyline of Manama, Bahrain. It is one of the most important historical landmarks in Bahrain, owing to its association with the early settlement of the nation. 2. Beautiful Persian-style Design: The mosque has a simple and classic Persian-style design, which features an open courtyard surrounded by four iwans or porticos. The mosque is built with local coral blocks, and its walls and columns are adorned with ivory, brass, and copper trimmings. 3. Multi-function Mosque: Beyond simply being a place of worship, Al-Khamis Mosque serves as a cultural center and educational venue. The mosque includes a large library, and it hosts lectures, seminars, and workshops on Islamic science and other subjects, such as language and culture. 4. Historical Significance: Al-Khamis Mosque is considered as one of Bahrain’s oldest structures. It was built sometime between the 16th and 18th centuries, and it is believed to have been the first place of worship for the ruling Al Khalifa dynasty in Bahrain. 5. A National Symbol: Al-Khamis Mosque is an important symbol of Bahrain’s Islamic heritage. It has been awarded the title of a National Monument by the Ministry of Culture, and it is now a site frequently visited by tourists. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bahrain.


The Al-Khamis Mosque, located in Manama, Bahrain, is one of the oldest mosques in the country. The mosque dates back to 1806 when it was built by Abdulla bin Ahmad Al-Khalifa, a member of the ruling Al Khalifa family. The original mosque was a simple structure made of coral stone. In the late 19th century, the mosque underwent major renovation work and was expanded by Sheikh Issa bin Ali Al Khalifa. A new Islamic style minaret was added and decorative stonework was embedded into the walls. Today, the main three-aisled prayer hall features decorative Islamic art carvings and six windowed arcades. A mihrab (directional niche) also points towards Mecca. The mosque’s grounds have also been expanded over the years to include several smaller buildings, which are used to house religious scholars and devotees. The mosque is an important site for religious learning and is regularly visited by pilgrims who come to pray and study. Al Khamis Mosque is an important historic monument and serves as a reminder of Bahrain’s rich Islamic heritage. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bahrain with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Al-Khamis Mosque in Manama, Bahrain is believed to be the oldest mosque in the country, with some historians estimating its construction to have occurred in the late 11th century. 2. The bricks used in the construction of the Mosque are believed to have been brought all the way from the ancient city of Bushehr in Iran. 3. The mosque is believed to have been built during an era when the presence of Shiite Islam was predominant in Bahrain. 4. Al-Khamis Mosque is one of the few mosques in Bahrain open to both Shia and Sunni Muslims. 5. The mosque is architecturally unique with its huge dome being supported by just four pillars alternating between wooden and stone. 6. Earth from Karbala, Iraq is believed to have been brought to be used in the construction of the mosque, signifying a form of pilgrimage. 7. Although the Mosque is undergoing renovation to restore it to its original dimensions, some of its original features remain intact such as ceiling works depicting ocean waves and arabesque designs. One of the historical monuments of Bahrain, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Bahrain most popular tourist destination with us. Al-Khamis Mosque, Manama In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Bahrain main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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