Haji Piyada Mosque, Mazar-i-Sharif In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Haji Piyada Mosque, Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan is the third largest mosque in the world. This beautiful mosque has the capacity to hold 10,000 worshippers. It was constructed in 2003 to commemorate the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali, the famous nephew of the Prophet Muhammad. Haji Piyada Mosque stands out due to its unique blue ceramic tiled dome and intricately carved blue minarets. The foundation stone was laid down by the Afghan President, Burhanuddin Rabbani. The mosque includes 3 minarets, a large marble courtyard, a prayer hall, and a portico. The mosque looks marvelously beautiful and is a popular tourist attraction. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

-Haji Piyada Mosque is the oldest surviving mosque in present day Afghanistan located in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. -It is considered to be one of the most important Islamic monuments of Central Asia and is the only example of a Christian basilica that has been converted into a mosque. -It features a large central dome surrounded by smaller domes, a two-storey prayer hall, and carved stucco ornamentation. -The stone and brickwork of the mosque are unique in Afghanistan and have been reused throughout history. -The mosque is also believed to have been a tomb of a pir or holy man and has an important place in the history of Islamic architecture. -The mosque is also surrounded by a courtyard and is surrounded by a garden with many plants believed to bring good luck and health. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


The Haji Piyada Mosque (also known as the Great Mosque of Mazar-i-Sharif) is a mosque located in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan. It is one of the most important religious sites in the city, and is known for its grand size and beautiful architectural features. The mosque was built sometime in the 15th or 16th century, and remains one of the main religious shrines of the city. It is believed to house the remains of Imam Ali, the fourth Caliph of Islam, and is said to be the place where he was mortally wounded. The mosque has a very long history, and it was destroyed and rebuilt multiple times throughout its history. In 1860, the mosque was almost completely destroyed by Afghan forces, but was later rebuilt by Amir Abdur Rahman Khan in 1877. This was the same Amir who had previously destroyed the Bukhara Citadel. The mosque has undergone several minor renovations since then, but much of its original architecture has remained intact. The mosque is a popular tourist destination and pilgrimage site for many Afghans and Muslims from around the world. It is a focal point of the city and a cultural hub, hosting many festivals and events throughout the year. To this day, it stands as one of the most impressive monuments of Islamic art and architecture in Afghanistan. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1.Haji Piyada Mosque is located in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan and is known as one of the most beautiful mosques in the world. 2. The mosque is believed to have been built between 1337-1344 under the reign of Amir Taimurid Dynasty by Muhammad ibn Shaikh Shalbuz Gulam Ali. 3. It is believed that the remains of a pious person, Hajji Piyada, is buried within the mosque. 4. The mosque is adorned with beautiful blue, green and white ceramic tiles. 5. The four grand arches of the mosque each measure 15 meters in height and are covered with intricate brickwork and stucco work. 6. The interior is decorated with intricate geometrical designs and figurative inscriptions in bright colors. 7. The dome of the mosque has a diameter of 10 meters and is made of terracotta bricks. 8. The courtyard of the mosque is filled with beautiful plant life and is home to a few trees and some benches for visitors. 9. The mosque is open to all visitors year round and is often used for special occasions such as weddings and religious ceremonies. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Haji Piyada Mosque, Mazar-i-Sharif In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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