Qal'a-i-Bust, Herat In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Qal’a-i-Bust is an ancient fort located near the Herat Province in western Afghanistan. This strong mud-brick fortress was built by the Turko-Mongol leader Amir Ali Sher Nawa in the 15th century to protect the Herat region from invading forces. It was considered a strategic stronghold for many years, until its destruction and abandonment in the 19th century. Although the main fort is no longer in use, there is an archaeological site nearby that is open to the public. The site includes walls, towers, and other architectural features that give insight into the important role this fort held in Afghan history. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

Qal'a-i-Bust is a medieval fort in the city of Herat, Afghanistan, situated on a hilltop that overlooks the city. It was originally constructed in the 11th century as part of the Ghurid Empire, a dynasty that spanned much of what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan. The fort was later expanded and renovated by the Timurid rulers in the 15th and 16th centuries. The fort is built in a square shape with four gates, two of which are in the eastern and western walls. The southern and northern walls each have two towers. At the center of the fort is a large interior courtyard surrounded by residential and administrative quarters. Several of the walls contain ornately decorated architectural designs, including stone carvings and ornamental glazed tiles. There is also a mosque in the fort which has been restored in recent years. The fort is a popular tourist destination and its prominent location atop a hill gives it an impressive presence within the city. It is also the site of several festivals and musical performances throughout the year. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


Qal'a-i-Bust is a ruined fortress located in the western Afghan province of Herat. The site of the fortress is thought to date to the 3rd century BCE. The name Qal'a-i-Bust is derived from the words “Qal'a” (meaning fortress) and “Bust” (meaning restored). It has frequently been a site of both human and natural disaster. The most significant event in the history of Qal'a-i-Bust occurred in the 7th century CE, when the Sasanian Empire occupied the fortress. The Sasanian military garrisoned the fortress and introduced several innovations, including expanding the site and constructing elaborate garden irrigation systems. The fortress remained in Sasanian hands until 816-17 CE, when it was seized by the Arab invasion of Herat. In 1186, the Mongols attacked and razed the fortress, leaving only its ruins, which can still be seen today. During this time, many of the buildings and monuments were destroyed, although some still remain. Following the Mongol invasion, the fortress was abandoned and fell into disrepair. In the 19th century, some of Qal'a-i-Bust was reconstructed by the Afghans, and the sites served as a defensive wall against Persian raids. Today, Qal'a-i-Bust is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is recognized as a significant cultural and historical landmark in Herat Province. The site is known for its intricate irrigation systems, archaeological remains, and fortress layout. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Qal’a-i-Bust is believed to have been built by Alexander the Great in 329 BC. 2. The fort is located in the middle of Herat, approximately 60 kilometers from the Iran-Afghan border. 3. This impressive fort has walls that are up to 8 m thick at their base that dwarf buildings from that time. 4. The fort covers an area of approximately 25 square kilometers, with a circumference of over 13 kilometers. 5. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Herat. 6. Within the fort, there are 3 mosques, 40 towers and 4 city gates built in the recognizable Persian style. 7. The most spectacular feature of the fort is the Great Mosque, said to be the largest of its kind in Afghanistan. 8. It is the home of many varieties of birds like kites, eagles, owls and crows, which are a sight to behold. 9. Qal’a-i-Bust is historically significant due to its associations with Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan. 10. The fort is also home to countless monuments, carvings, artifacts and tombs believed to be from the Mughal period. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Qal'a-i-Bust, Herat In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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