Grand Palace - Bangkok In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Grand Palace-Bangkok In Thailand is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world. It is a complex of buildings which were formerly the royal residence of the kings of Siam (now Thailand). The buildings have intricate and elaborate architecture, featuring a number of Thai-style elements. The complex has been heavily restored over the years and now features the iconic Wat Phra Kaew temple which is home to the Emerald Buddha. It is also home to several other important Buddhist shrines and statuaries. Every day, thousands of locals and tourists alike come to this complex to visit the grandeur and grand history it holds. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Thailand
Prominent Features:

1. Emerald Buddha: The Emerald Buddha is a dark green statue of a sitting Buddha in the Grand Palace of Bangkok. It is considered the most important Buddhist statue in Thailand and is an important symbol of the Thai nation. 2. Wat Phra Kaew: Wat Phra Kaew is located within the grounds of the Grand Palace in Bangkok and is considered one of Thailand’s most important temples. It is home to the Emerald Buddha and many other sacred Buddhist relics and artworks. 3. Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall: The grandest of the Grand Palace's structures, the Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall is an elaborate combination of Thai, Khmer, and European design, and is the primary throne hall of the King of Thailand. 4. Phra Maha Montien Hall: This hall is located within the Grand Palace and was built in the late 19th century. It is used to receive foreign dignitaries and still remains an important venue within the palace. 5. The Octagonal Pavilion: Located in the centre of the Grand Palace, the Octagonal Pavilion houses the most prestigious areas. It holds the King's office, the octagonal throne room of the late King Rama IV, and a magnificent display of the royal regalia. This national monument of Thailand portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Grand Palace of Bangkok was originally constructed in 1782 by the orders of King Rama I, the first monarch of the Chakri Dynasty. The palace complex served as the official residence of the king and his court until 1925. The design and structure of the palace was heavily influenced by the styles of the neighboring Ayutthaya Kingdom and was mainly made of wood. After the death of King Rama I, his son and successor King Rama II, ordered the grand palace to be redesigned with more intricate details. By the time of King Rama V’s reign, brick and stone had replaced the original wood parts of the palace structure, and the design shifted to more Western influenced architectural elements. The palace consists of several impressive buildings within its grounds, including Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), the Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall and the Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall, among others. Today, the Grand Palace of Bangkok remains a major tourist attraction for its historic and cultural importance, and to get a glimpse into the former home of the Siamese royal family. You must visit one of these historical places in Thailand on your Thailand tour

Interesting facts:

1. Built in 1782, the Grand Palace of Bangkok is the official residence of the King and Queen of Thailand. 2. The Grand Palace is the most popular tourist destination with over 8 million people passing through the gates each year. 3. The complex is home to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Phra Kaew Moriyom, and the Chakri Maha Prasat Hall, all of which are richly decorated in gold and rare jewels. 4. This 250 acre complex is a great example of traditional Thai architecture. The walls and gates are detailed and beautifully ornate. 5. Contrary to popular belief, visitors are not allowed to wear shorts or revealing clothing while visiting the complex. Modest dress attire is always required. 6. The palace complex is home to 10 different courts within the compound. 7. The Grand Palace and Temple of the Emerald Buddha are two of the most important and sacred places for all Thai people. 8. The structure went through a five year renovation from 2017-2022 where skilled craftsmen worked tirelessly to restore the palace to its former glory. 9. The Grand Palace is home to a “secret” garden located in the north east corner of the complex and contains many rare plants and trees. 10. The area that is now known as the Grand Palace grounds has been the home of the Thai Royal Family since 1782. Visit one of the famous monuments of Thailand with your friends and family.

Explore Thailand most popular tourist destination with us. Grand Palace - Bangkok In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Thailand main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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