UNIVERSAL CHURCH - UCKG MARIKINA In Philippines: History,Facts, & Services

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) was founded in 1977 in Brazil by the Apostle Edir Macedo. In 1997, it opened its first branch in Marikina, Metro Manila. It started with only a few members and has now grown to be one of the largest church organizations in the Philippines. The church serves a range of people, providing spiritual guidance, assistance in meeting basic needs, such as food, health care, clothing and education, and assistance in finding jobs. It organizes many events and activities, such as retreats and youth outreach programs, in order to reach those in need. Its mission is to spread the gospel and to help people find the strength to live better lives. The UCKG Marikina provides spiritual counseling, Bible study services and seminars, and support services like medical care, legal aid, and psychosocial counseling. They also offer free meals every Saturday to those in need.

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