The Evangelical Alliance of Malta In Malta: History,Facts, & Services

The Evangelical Alliance of Malta (EAM) is an organization that was formed in 1998 to represent evangelical churches in Malta. Its mission is to serve and support the local churches of Malta by providing fellowship and communication among evangelical Christians, a united voice in the promotion of moral and spiritual values, and assistance in the relief of human need. The EAM consists of over 30 churches and organizations representing a variety of denominations and traditions, including Anglican, Baptist, Catholic Charismatic, Pentecostal, Seventh-day Adventist and Lutheran. History The EAM was founded in 1998 as an initiative of the Evangelical Chaplaincy of Malta. In 2002 the EAM was officially launched and the first board of trustees was appointed. Since then it has grown in membership and recognition from churches and organizations. Annual conferences are held on topics related to the mission and vision of the EAM, with the goal of strengthening the local church and its mission. Facts The EAM is a member of the World Evangelical Alliance as well as EFN (European Faith Network). The EAM provides many services for its members including pastoral care, Bible studies and prayer meetings, theological training, evangelistic outreach programs, and assistance with social projects. It also works closely with the government of Malta to promote Christian values in the country. Services The EAM provides many services to its members, including the following: • Bible studies and prayer meetings • Pastoral care • Theological training • Evangelical outreach programs • Assistance with social projects • Promotion of Christian values • Promotion of unity and fellowship among churches

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