San Pawl / Church of St. Paul In Malta: History,Facts, & Services

The Church of St. Paul, also known as San Pawl, is an Anglican parish church in the small town of Ghaxaq, Malta. The church dates back to the 17th century and is dedicated to St. Paul, the apostle who is said to have been shipwrecked on Malta in 60 AD. San Pawl is known for its Neoclassical and Baroque-style architecture, with oversized columns and a high dome that are typical of these styles. The interior is decorated with intricate paintwork, and the several altars are dedicated to various members of the Catholic hierarchy. San Pawl is known for its annual Easter procession, which is held within its walls. Aside from the traditional services, San Pawl also holds lectures, concerts, and other trans-disciplinary events. The church is open to the public and also houses a library.

Explore Malta most popular tourist destination with us. San Pawl / Church of St. Paul In Malta: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Malta main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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