German Evangelical CommunityIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services

German Evangelical Community It is one of the best churches in Luxembourg which you must visit.


The German Evangelical Community is a group of Protestant churches in Germany, founded in the early 19th century to unite previously independent churches within the Prussian provinces unified by Emperor Wilhelm I around the same time. It was part of a larger movement of Protestant unification, prompted by the reassertion of Roman Catholic power in Europe after the French Revolution. The German Evangelical Community is headed by the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), or the Protestant Church in Germany. German Evangelical Community This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Luxembourg.


Here are some facts about the German Evangelical CommunityIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Luxembourg
• The EKD is made up of 20 regional church bodies, which have a combined membership of about 20 million people. • The churches that form the EKD are generally Lutheran or Reformed, and adhere to the Augsburg Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism. • The EKD runs a number of social service organizations, including Reformed welfare, a public health and safety organization, an ecumenical aid organization for the European Union, and a global peace initiative. • The EKD is an active participant in the World Council of Churches and the Conference of European Churches. • Members of the EKD are also active in the Ecumenical Lift Network, a network of Protestant churches which seeks to collaborate with other churches around the world to address common social issues, such as poverty, human rights, and conflict resolution. German Evangelical Community Services: The German Evangelical Community offers a variety of services to its members. These include educational programs, aid programs, peace initiatives, and social services. • Educational Programs: The EKD offers a range of programs to engage young people in learning about Christian faith and history, as well as developing important life skills. • Aid Programs: The EKD operates numerous aid programs to support members living in difficult economic conditions and to promote Christian values in the wider world. • Peace Initiatives: The EKD works with churches around the world in developing initiatives for peace and reconciliation. It is also involved in ecumenical talks and conferences. • Social

The EKD provides relief services to victims of disasters and international conflicts. It also works with members to ensure that their rights and interests are protected.This beautiful church in Luxembourg has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Luxembourg most popular tourist destination with us. German Evangelical CommunityIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Luxembourg main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Evangelical Church in Germany Luxembourg

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