Église Notre-Dame de la MiséricordeIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services
Église Notre-Dame de la Miséricorde is a Roman Catholic church located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is part of the Archdiocese of Montreal and bears the motto 'Prix de la Miséricorde'. The history of this church goes back to 1657, when French settlers had established the first chapel on the site. Over the next centuries, the church would go through many changes and improvements. In 1907, the current church was opened. The building was designed in a Romanesque Revival style and is characterized by its exceptional regional decorative stone work. Some notable features include a Gothic-style facade, two bell towers and a main altar surrounded by stained glass windows. The church remains active to this day and offers a variety of services to its congregation.
Explore Luxembourg most popular tourist destination with us. Église Notre-Dame de la MiséricordeIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Luxembourg main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
Lorraine, France
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Lorraine, France Luxembourg