卢森堡华人基督教会 Chinese Christian Church in LuxembourgIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services

History- The Chinese Christian Church in Luxembourg was founded in 2002 by a small group of Chinese Christian families in the country. The Church has since grown steadily and now has a membership of over 200 families. Facts- The Church offers a variety of services to its members, including weekly worship services, Bible studies, prayer meetings, holiday celebrations, and lectures. The Church also engages in volunteer work, helping those in need in Luxembourg. Services- The Chinese Christian Church provides its members with many services, such as providing an opportunity to build relationships and grow in faith, finding a place to belong, and sharing the gospel with others. The Church also provides spiritual and practical support for its members, including counselling and mentoring.

Explore Luxembourg most popular tourist destination with us. 卢森堡华人基督教会 Chinese Christian Church in LuxembourgIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Luxembourg main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Luxembourg Luxembourg

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