Rainbow Street (Amman) In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Rainbow Street (or Al-Rainbow Street) is a pedestrian street in downtown Amman, Jordan. It is a popular hangout spot in the city, especially among young people, with many cafes, juice bars, restaurants, and shops. The street is also home to the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts and the Darat al-Funun arts complex. It is a one-mile long stretch of street from the first circle to the fourth circle in the city center and is divided into four sections according to the circles. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. The Street: Rainbow Street is a bustling street filled with colorful, cast-iron shops selling jewelry, antiques, and traditional handicrafts. 2. The Fountains: There are numerous small fountains dotting the sidewalks of Rainbow Street, adding to its distinctive look. 3. The Café: Café Paris is one of the most well-known establishments on the street, serving up traditional Jordanian cuisine in a cozy atmosphere. 4. The Mosque: Al-Husseini Mosque, located on Rainbow Street near the Municipal Theatre, is an important religious site in Amman. 5. The Scenery: Rainbow Street is set on a hill overlooking downtown Amman, offering breathtaking views of the cityscape. 6. The Art: Tourists and locals alike can find a variety of art galleries, ranging from modern to traditional, along the street. 7. The Culture: Rainbow Street is a hub for Jordan's cultural life, offering shopping, dining, and entertainment. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


The famed Rainbow Street in Amman, Jordan has been a popular destination in Jordan since the early 1900s. It was one of the first streets in the city to have become a recreational and social hot spot. The street initially had a more utilitarian purpose, running up a gentle incline as a means of connecting residential neighborhoods in the hills above downtown Amman to the commercial area below. In 1910, the street was renamed Rainbow Street by the Ottoman governor of Amman, in honor of the British occupation forces. The area quickly became popular with artists, intellectuals, and music lovers, who would often gather in cafes and small shops along the street, providing a vibrant cultural landscape. As the years passed, Rainbow Street also became a popular destination for small businesses and boutiques. All types of shops and services line the street, including bookstores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, and even a wax museum. In the 1960s, the street began to attract even more attention. With the development of the University of Amman, students and faculty alike found the street attractive for its budget-friendly atmosphere and the social and intellectual activities it offered. In the 1970s, construction of the Amman Citadel was completed and the street was formally opened to pedestrians, becoming a popular hangout spot for locals and tourists, alike. Today, Rainbow Street is a popular destination for locals looking for good food, drinks, and entertainment, as well as tourists searching for an exciting cultural experience. Restaurants, cafes, and bakeries line the street, many of which still serve traditional Jordanian dishes. The street comes alive at night, with music, lights, and other forms of entertainment, making it one of the most exciting places in Jordan. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Rainbow Street (Al-Sharif Nasser Bin Jameel Street) is one of the oldest and most famous streets in Amman, Jordan. 2. The street itself is called “Rainbow Street” because its architecture and multi-cultural appeal resembles a rainbow. 3. It is the home of numerous cafes, restaurants, boutique shops, art galleries, and other cultural venues. 4. It is considered the "Soho" of Amman and is particularly popular with the city's Western expat community. 5. The street dates back to the early 19th century when `Abdullah ibn al-Hussein established it with the intention of connecting the major roads of Amman. 6. Rainbow Street is home to the famous Rainbow Cinema, the first and only movie theater in Jordan. 7. Once a month, Rainbow Street closes down for a night to allows street artists to showcase their art. 8. Rainbow Street is also famous for its nightlife, with a variety of bars, pubs, live music venues, and karaoke bars. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. Rainbow Street (Amman) In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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