Virgin Mary Greek Melkite Catholic Church In Jerusalem: History,Facts, & Services

The Virgin Mary Greek Melkite Catholic Church in Jerusalem is a historical and spiritual center for Eastern Christians. It is the mother church of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. The Church is located on Khalid Ebn al-Walid street and is open to pilgrimage and prayer for all believers. History The Virgin Mary Greek Melkite Catholic Church has a long history, dating back to at least the 13th century. It is believed to have been built on the site of a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary by the Byzantine Empress St. Helena. The Church was first consecrated in 1153 by Patriarch Sylvester. During the Ottoman period, the Church was restored several times and was the site of many liturgical celebrations. In 1845, the Church was granted to the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. Over the years, it underwent several renovations and restorations, culminating in 1993 with the consecration of a new Sanctuary by the late Patriarch Maximos V. Today the Church is the spiritual center of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. Facts • The Virgin Mary Greek Melkite Catholic Church is the site of many pilgrims, visitors, and local parishioners, due to its history and importance as a place of worship. • Every Saturday nights there is a gospel recited in the presence of numerous priests and high religious dignitaries, who begin the service with hymns and readings of the ancient Scriptures. • The Church features a museum with several religious artifacts, including a marble icon of St. Mary and a painting of the baptism of Jesus Christ, both from the 12th century. Services The Virgin Mary Greek Melkite Catholic Church offers a variety of services and dedication, including the Divine Liturgy, the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confirmation, and Lenten services. The Church also features several chapels devoted to important figures from Melkite Greek Catholic Church, including St. Cyril of Jerusalem and St. Gregory the Theologian. The Church is also home to a devotional young adult group, who meet for devotion and prayers.

Explore Jerusalem most popular tourist destination with us. Virgin Mary Greek Melkite Catholic Church In Jerusalem: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Jerusalem main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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