Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem: History,Facts, & Services

Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem is a Christian Zionist Non-profit established in 1983 and was founded to give expression to the friendship between Christians and the Nation of Israel. Its mission is to educate Christian believers regarding the contemporary political and social realities of Israel, share Gospel truths, and offer tangible aid to Jews in need. Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem It is one of the best churches in Jerusalem which you must visit.


The organization was founded by Father Fahim Shamoon, a Roman Catholic Priest from Beit-Jala near Bethlehem. Father Shamoon was motivated by the desire to spread the spirit of brotherhood and reconciliation between Christians and Jews which was inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ. At the time, there was also a desire among Christian leaders of different denominations to reach out to the Jewish People, recognize Israel as the legitimate Nation of the Jewish People, and recognise the Jewish connection to Jerusalem. Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Jerusalem.


Here are some facts about the Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Jerusalem
Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem has distributed more than 1 million books and 700,000 Gospel tracts translated into eight languages, including Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian. The books and Gospel tracts are distributed freely to any person who asks for them. The organization also sponsors various projects dedicated to helping the Jewish People and encourages Christian believers to provide both spiritual and material aid to Israel. Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem

The organization provides a variety of services for Christians and Jews alike, including campaigns in support of Israel, educational materials, missionary work, humanitarian aid, support for Jewish communities in Israel and worldwide, and help in making Aliyah. Additionally, it provides support for Christians who wish to visit and engage in meaningful spiritual activities in Jerusalem.This beautiful church in Jerusalem has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Jerusalem most popular tourist destination with us. Christian Friends of Israel In Jerusalem: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Jerusalem main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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