Raya Padang Mosque - Padang In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is one of unique architecture old mosque in Padang West Sumatra. It is located at Jalan S. Parman street and stands in middle of the city. This mosque is consisted of three stories and combines the elements of architecture of Minangkabau with Islamic architecture. It has been built by Bungsuak Dato Raja, a King of Minangkabau in 1744. This mosque has wide yard cover by lush trees and a pool of water in the centre.This ancient architecture mosque offers several cultural activities especially during Ramadhan. People come here to perform taraweh prayer and listen to sermon that delivered by the mosque imam every night. Raya Padang mosque also has been used to held Islamic events such as seminars and talks. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


Raya Padang Mosque is a religious and architectural mosque located in the city of Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The mosque was built in 1832, which makes it one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia. The mosque is the oldest one in Padang and it served as the main mosque for the local Islamic community. The mosque is built in the North Sumatran style and features an array of Islamic architectural features. A grand minaret is the centerpiece of the mosque which is decorated in royal blue mosaic tile. The minaret leads up to a terraced roof with six turrets looking onto the main prayer hall. The prayer hall inside the mosque is tall and spacious, measuring 7-metres in height and 860-square metres in size. The walls are decorated with several calligraphy panels featuring, verses from the Quran. The mosque’s interior is made up of white marble and shines when the light reflects from the windows that line the interior. Outside the mosque, one can see three domes, two hanging and one elevated. The two hanging domes are referred to as the northern and southern domes respectively and they are each 13-metres in height. The elevated dome is situated in the centre and is 19.6-metres in height. Each dome is decorated in green and white mosaic and gold calligraphy. The entrance of the Raya Padang Mosque is situated on the sides of the elevated dome. The entrance is decorated with marble details and the entrance gates are painted yellow. The Raya Padang Mosque forms an iconic symbol for the people of Padang and is a recognized cultural asset for the local Islamic community. The mosque’s design and architecture are a testament to its long and rich history in Padang. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The Raya Padang Mosque in Padang, Indonesia is open to visitors from 7am to 8pm, seven days a week. Visitors are expected to dress modestly and remove any head covering before entering the mosque. There are also guidelines in place restricting photography and filming inside the building. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Raya Padang Mosque is located in Padang, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. It is close to the centre of the city, across from the old Siti Nurbaya Stadium. By Plane The nearest airport is Minangkabau International Airport, located 25km from the city centre. It has direct flights to major Indonesian cities, as well as Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. By Bus Raya Padang Mosque is accessible by bus. There are various bus stations in the city, where you can get a bus to the mosque. The terminals are Delta Padang, Sikurunai, Kota Padang, Wisata and Raksasa. By Car The best way to get to the mosque is by car. You can rent a car or take a taxi to Raya Padang Mosque. By Rail The nearest train station is Padang Station. The station is around 6km from the mosque and has services to major Indonesian cities. beautiful masjid.

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    The Raya Padang Mosque is located in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

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The Raya Padang Mosque is located in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Indonesia

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